ActivePaper Archive 60 The Sydney Morning Herald, Sat.. Aug.... - Sydney Morning Herald Archive, 8/6/1955

60 The Sydney Morning Herald, Sat.. Aug. 6, 1955

BIRTHS. _ABMSTKON'G.—Aujuit 5. at St. _lCaTgaret'a (private), to Margaret sod Pat—a daughter (Jane Mary). BAGTJ8T (nee Bush).—At Middlesex Hospital, London, to MarJ and Warren—a ton iChrlstopher Michael) BAXDEN.—July 20, at _War Memorial Hospital, to Barbara and Jim—a ton. BOND.—August 2. at The Poplars. _Sppinz- to Margaret and Ceciltwin daughters (Helen Grace and Robyn Jannelle). All veil. BBIDLE (nee _Frfle).—August 2, et _6t. Margaret's Hospital, to Marcells and Beinia—a. daughter (Kathryn Anne). BROOKES (nea Benson).—August

3. at Oooma—a son (Ian Malcolm). BROWETT.—August 1. at Royal. _Paddlngton, to Reg and Rose, ol Bllpln—a, son. CAPP (nee RoberUon).—July _MaJtland, to _Martot, wife of Ronald Bruce Llndeman Capp— a son (Timothy Bruce _Undtrsan). CHAMBERS.—August 5. at Crown Street Intermediate, to Shirley and Keith—* son. CLASH.— August 5. at St. Luke's, to June and. GeoH.—a son (Murray Phillip). _COCKERUX (nee Thame) July

5. at District Maternity Hospital. WUIlamstown. Vic, to Pamela and Ron—a daughter (Helen). Both well. COOMBES.—August 5, at Mater Mlserjcordlae, North Sydney, to Pam and Roll—a daughter. COTTON.—August 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cotton, ot _LonguevlUe—» daughter. CRAWFORD.—August 2, at King George V . to Pam and Llojd—a ton (John Mcnwralth). CROFT (nee Jackson).—July 23, to Gem and Jim. of _Tallnga, Gul-(ong—a son (Reginald David). DAVIS.—July 28, 19S5, at St. Margaret's Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davta. _Burwcod—1> son (Francis Oerad). DONE (nee Dence_)_.—August 5 at Ryde District Memorial _Hosnital. Saatwood, to Jo and Stuart—a son (Richard Philip). DRUBY (nee Johnstone).—-July 27, at Canberra Community Hospital, to Heather and Sid—a son (Carl Peter). _DUJ._HUNTT.—July 8. at Wollort-Bong Hospital, to Mary and Bob—a son (Gregory Robert). DUMAS.—August 2, at Denlstone House. Ryde. to Allsa and John—a daughter (Janet Allsa). DWTER (nee, Callls).—July 26, at Bt. Margaret's, to Beryl and Frank —ft _aon (_Shann Christopher) EDWARDS.—August 1, at the Mater Hospital, to John and Betty —a son (David John). ENGLISH (nee Kirley).—August 1, at St. Margaret's, to Jean and Kevin—a daughter (Robin Lesley). FALK.—August S. at St. Margaret's private hospital, to Dr. and Mrs. K, L. Fait—a daughter (Mary Ann). FIRTH.—August 1. at St. Margaret's Hospital, to Ennla and John —& son (Robert Peter). ' FITZHABDINGE.— 3. Sanitarium, _Wahroongn, to Susan, Kile of ¦John—a son. GOBI?.—August 2, at Orange Bane HoBpttM, to Mr. and Mis. P. St. CJ. Core—a son. GRANT.—August 2. . at Orange Maternity Hospital, to Pat and Res —a son. HAMILTON (nee Broclchoff_).— August 4, at St. Monan's, Cremorne, to Pam and Sam—-a son (James Douglas). HAMILTON.—August 3, at Alston Hospital, _Cowra, to Marge and Bruce —a daughter (_Janflle Gal). HANSON (nee Dash).—July 21, at Royal _Faddlngton. to Rosemarr and John—a daughter (Michelle Lorraine). HARBISON (nee Allen).—August 2. St. Margaret's Hospital, to uneuda and Jim—a daughter (Jilllnu Ann). KAV1LAND.—August 4. at Royal North Shore Hospital, to Joyce and Doug—a son (Nigel Owen). HAYES (nee _Thorucroft).—August 1, Poplars. _Eviting. to Dos* and Austin—a son cKliu Patrick). HOLLAND .-July 2K. Denlstone House, to Marlon and _lieod—a daughter (Rhonda Marlon). HOI/LAND—August 3. Dmistone House. Ryde. to Ruth and Georgea son (Steven George). HOI-MAN.—July 30. at Roslyn, Lindfleld. to Helen and Clarrle—a daughter (Kerry Anne). HOMER.—July 30, at The Hague, Holland, to Fred and Brenda—a daughter (Bernardino Mary). HOOPER (nee Stenberg).—July Crown Street (intermediate), to Allsa and John—a ton (Paul Anthony). JOHNSON (nee Hale).—August Royal Hospital, Paddlngton, to Sylvia and Geoffrey—a daughter (Anns Maree). JOHNSON.—July 30. Mater Hospital_, to Betty and Allan—a aon (_Qeoffrey Allan). JOHNSTO.V.—August 1. at Sunnyside, _OorT's Harbour, to Anna and Gordon—a daughter. KEL8EY tnee _Frawr).—July 28, 1955. at Mater Private _Hospital. Crow' * Nest, u> Maureen and Maxa daughter (AliMm Marguerite) KIDNEY.—August 4. at King aeorffe V, to Thea and Peter.—a daughter. KING (nee William*).—July 30. 199S, at Aubrey Hosultul, Murec, to BUI and Sue—a ion. KINMOND diets _Dulton).—August 1, Queen Victoria Hospital, Ammndale. to Kuth anil Philip—% ton (Howard Philip). _lloth well KIRKWiml>—AukueI a, at Orange, to Joan and John—a son (Laurence Edwnrd) _LAMBFR.T (nee Roeuell).—Julv SI, at St. _Margnret'a Ilo&plwl, to Bhlrley and _Max—» daughter (Mtxlne Anns), LATHAM (nee Allen).—August _Inverell District Hospital, to Jean and De»—a daughter (Anne _Margaretl. LEWIS.—August 3, 1955, at _Lulirorth House, St. Luke's. Darlinghurst, io Alison and Dnvtd.—a son. _LIJDDEI_.L (nea King).—July SO. at Sing _Oeorge V, to Shirley and Bob —a ion (Paul Raymond). LITTIXJOHN.—August 1. 195.1, to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ltttlejohn, of 65 Smith Avenue, North Manly—a

on. Stillborn. LTNCH.—August 5. at Wahroongn Sanitarium, to Pat and _aretr—a ton (Brendon Francis). McGRATH (nee _Hutchln.O.—King George V Hospital, to Anne and Colin—a daughter (Jennifer Anne). _McINTOSH.—July 30. at Nowra, to Nora, wife of Bruce—a son (Robert Frederick). MrMILl.AN (nee _Hnllett).—August 3 at Royal Newcastle Hospital, to Joyce and Keith, of Port Mactiuarle —a aon (Stephen Roy), MKNEAR.—July 27, at Royal North Shore, to .Joyce Dorothy and Mix—a daughter (Annette). METBR.—-August 4. at Roslyn, UndAeld. to Phyllis and Roy—a son. MILES.—July 31, at Royal North Shore, to Lois and Bill—a ton. MliLNER..—July SO, to Isabel, _wlfa of E N. Mlllner—a daughter (Belinda Inbel). MITCIIKLL (nee PrlotO.—August _^. 4, at _Branouter, Scone, to Shirley and Red—a daughter (Rosemary "_^ _MITTAM (nee Latta).—July 23, to Betty and Arthur—a tun (Denis MOORK (nee "smith).—Augiitt 1, at Royal Hospital, Pnddlnglon, to Hazel and Jack—n daughter (Fae EUxabath). _MtTIXIOAN.—Ji_'l* 20, 1035, at Xing aeorg* V Hospital, Cainperdown, to Mav)» and Arthur—a. son (_Ohirlej Arthur). _NfcWTON (n_«« Turner).—August 1, _ISSil, Pacific Private, Rockdale, to Jill and Dick—a son (Douglas _'"_jilOOV (nee Goldsmith).—August 4, at Poplars, Epplng, Io corlnne anrt _DouglnA—a daughter (Victoria

' ™j.i.._Ba_> i _»» _1_..._V «_..,— ,11k

U iVKtl4b inn _lirnmvyi,—tfuijr inr_,

at M«t«r HcMplM, Newomtle . Io Bhlrloy and Brian—a ton, rAHBERY.—August 2, 105IS, to Allca and Max, _"Corrldnere_*," Dorrlon—a daughter. _PARQUAI* (nee .tamert.—August S, it Royal North Shore. Io MavU and Bert—a ion (Mark George). MTKBHON.—August 3, at Royal _notplUI, _Paddlnglon. to Bhlrley and Ian. of Kandoa—a daughter (Robyn _"_^PBIM.IIl.—Auguit 1, at _Ingle-RMirt. _StrathfUld, to mend* and _OUbtrt—a daughter (Jull* Anne), _flllLP (nre Bryan (.—August », at Bt. Uike's. to Mnrgot and Jim—a inn (Roderick JamM>. _WGOOTT (ne« _Meeklngi),—July 30, King _oenria Itoapllal—a _daughtor (Linda _Maret) POWRR (nee _nrolnowskl).—Julv 31, at _Walironnga _ftunitarlum, _w June, wife ot _Qnvld- «. ton (Peter

_^_te_'-Julr ». X Bt. M._rturrt'_i Hospllaf, to Mary and John _ftualn—a daughter (Virginia Mary I. _RANOIAtin.—July 20, at DuMki But* Hospital, to _Clrftn ami Frod — a d«u«l\l»r, llolli well, ¦RrvK.—July SI, at queen Victoria _Hnanltat, to Margaret and _Btan—a aon i Henry Parker), _KOniUmiKZ. AllBHlt 4, at King _Oeoilfi V _Hnnpltal, tn l>r. nostiun and Dr. _Lnurfnce nodrlgueis—a sou (Mlehael _Laiirenrr). KnOF.FR (nra F»rdv).—August 3D, Rt. Margaret's _Prlvala _Hospllal, In Judith and _!•••—« _««n. nOflKRR Inr* Ollinnur.)—August a, 1085, at _Wahroonga fl«nlt»rlum, to Mary and nick- a daughtpr. IICOTT (nfe _Oatforril,—July an, 10115, at _Cumden llo«|iltal, to Jo»n and Rom—a daughter I8us»n Hal). ¦—Auguil 1, at Brilliant, to M_*l, «l(* of I«n—a son, nmkfr. (ne_» _amliam).—July an. at BlranlM. Klama. Ui Nell and Je«a—a ton (nnnaltf DavfdK

HARM (Mi _Ktlllon)._—Aiiiutt _nithesrta, Marrlokylllt, in .li;n» and O»_wgt—a _dtufhtar (Carolyn _'"_ShKUJCT,_—AlliuM 3, at tin W_«hroonra _Btnlttrlum. to Mollle anrt _Vranlc_«& _HallBhtai* fjlllla). iWOLK.—Jul/ _». IB". •» Mud-£M _tHitrict _HoipUal, to Mr. and fn. Robert V. _Blnglt—a. tun (Bodnw _WlllTam VallukV IKINNKR (nte rmlon),—August

1. at _Bttbmda private _hotpttal, w C rite and Otu~> (on _IIImi). »Mrrir(n_»« DJfon).—July Ao _^ at Klnr Citort* V. j Mm and Brio —a aon (_Radntf William), _IPAKK.M (Burrows)—July 81. al nrUban*, to _Blmlwlh and atoita ion jfDavM aiofrrey). ¦ TACK <nt* ri._«msni.—Augiitt 4, at Wrantn'_i llo_«_n>lUl, Orown nlrMt. to Mr, and Mrs. 11. a. Black._—» »on (nohert Jiinah),.. _IrArrdtn._—Aufiut i, at riMiyn. _Llnitntld, In Judith and John—a

on (tan _AlMander). _«*I«r<»i> (n«> Ku»V_«y).—July 3d, at WarranUla _prlrau ho»pll*l, to._toart and _jibv—a ion.

_TIVCNt (_nt_» Or1r_«). --Julr !M, at MurVrMitarnlty _Wnpital, _crjnr'i M«il. to _Mariant ant llowwd—» JUu»._«lH _ISuian M>rv>_rat), BIRTHS _snTNBOCR.VE (nee Beap).—July 31, at Bethesda private hospital, to Olive and Harold—a daughter (Joy Elaine). THOMAS (nee _Swlney).—August

4. Poplars . Epplng, to Sybil and Robert—a daughter (Susan Louise). THOMSON .—August 1. at Mater Maternity (private), to Shirley and Frank—a ton (Mark Patrick). TURNER (nee McMeeken).—July 28, at War Memorial Hospital, Waverley, to Jeanene and Dona daughter (Linda Ann). WALKER (ne» _Bortfleld).—August

4. at St. Margaret's private hospital_, to Mary (Jodn) and Ron—God's gift of a son (Shane William). Both veil. WALKER (nee Saunders).—August 2, at St. Margaret's private hospital, to Kola and Amos—a daughter (Lesley Nola) . WALTERS.—July 30, 1955. at St. Margaret's, to Laura and Stephena son (John Stephen). WATSON.—August 4. at North Shore Hospital, to Pat and Franka daughter.

ENGAGEMENTS ABDOO—NISBET.—The _EnRacemeut Is announced of Patricia Ann, only daughter or Mr. and Mr». Lance Nlsbet. of St. Leonards, great-eranddaughter of the late Sir John Atkinson and granddaughter ot the late Charles Arthur Atkinson, of _Melxnirne. to Carl, second son of Mr. Michael Abdoo and ot the late Mary Catherine Abdoo, of Wingham and Mosman. AFFLECK—FAYI.E.—The Engagement Is announced of Elizabeth Anne elder daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. p.

M. Fayle. or Lane Cove, to Ian David, elder aon of Mr. and Mrs. H.

C. Aflleck, ol Artarmon. BALCOMB—LA1_VKEVCE. — The Engagement Is announced of Moyna. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs c.

B. Lawrence, of Canon indra to Hel James, youngest aon of Mr. and Mrs

H. J. _Bttcomb. of Tekoona Toogong. BEDFORD—4I0OPER.— The Engagement Is announced of Joyce Zoe, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.

S. Hoojjer, ot Mosman, to Roger Block, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. _fletllord, of Beckenham, Kent. England. BISSETT— MrCONVII.LE. — The Engagement is announced of Robert George, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J _Biwelt. or Kandoa. to Cecily Manse, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. McConville. of Glenbrook. BOWLES—O'CONNRLL.—The Engagement is announced of Patricia _Clsre, only daughter of Mr. and Mra. M. O'Connell, of Matravllje, to Garry Norman, only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bovles, ol Penshurst. BIJBB—HAWKINS.—The Engagement __ Is announced or Valerie YvonUe, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. _G. W Hawkins, of Naremburn. to Charles Allen, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bubb, of _siiTTON—KNIGHT.—The En-Naremburn. _gaeement Is announced of Elizabeth _BULLEY—NOLAN—The Engagement Is announced ot _StUrley. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Nolan, of Balgowtah. to John, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bulley, of Manly. BURT—OUYOT.—The Engagement Is announced of Kay _^_fedlyn_, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Les Guyot, of Moree to Bryant Squire, elder son of Mr. and Mrs P. Burt, of King's Cross. OASEV—MOON'.—The Engagement Is announced of Nancy Ruth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Moon, of Bondl, to James, youngest son of Mr. and the lats Mrs. M.J. Casey, ot Ireland. CONDON—BRYCE.—The Engagement Is announced of Rosalind eldest daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryce. of _Oulldford. to David, only son ut Mr. a._nd Mrs. J. Condon, of OnuivHle. _COAia—BKOWS.—The Engagement Is aitnotuiced of Alison Barbara_, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. V Brown, of Peakhurst. to Allan Lindsay, younger son of Mr.

S. J. Craig, and the late Mra. Craig_, ur _GUgandra. CBOSS—RYAN.—The Engagement Is announced of _Josephene Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

F. A. Ryan, of Kpplng. to John Cornelius eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. w. J. cross of RoMlle. FITNKSS — DAWGS. — The _Engagement Is announced of Iris, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

W. W. Dawes, of _Hurlstone Park, to Cecil, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. C L. Fitness, of Ryde. FLINT—NEWTON.—The Engagement Is announced of Naomi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Newton, of Hornsby_, to James, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Flint, of W&_hroonga. FOKES—PHILPOTT.—Th_» Engagement la announced of Elvira Jopcphlne, younger daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. W. J. Philpott, of Lelchhardt. to Kevin I,!ud£_ny. _youngest jioii of Mr _t _tuid Mrs. Z. _Fokes, of Rhodes. FI>HTRS(!UE—(ROSS.—The _EngfUdneut la _annuiuu-tfd of Ellnur Maty, _eldect daughter ot Mr. and Mis. H. A. Cress, uf _UowmIhIi?, _Wulcha to Dunald Wlllreil. eldest son 01 Mr and Mrs. W. _rurtesi-ue, of _Colluroy Plateau, Collaroy. FULLER—I.AVKRV.—The Engagement Is announced uf Dul<> June, yuunger _daughter uf Mr. ttnd Mr&.

W. W. Laverjr, of Muitd_.le. tu Bruce KfglUHld, younger sim uf Mr. und Mrs. R. W. Fuller, of Eustwuud. CilLKS— uaii.EY.— The _Kngagement Is _anuuuncfd uf MbYlon Jt*un_, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. _Bnlley, ul Summer 1(111 tu Frank, younuest sun of the late Mr. K. Giles and Mrs. _Gtlrs, of Campsle. _GRAHAM—KNll<:KEV.—The Engagement Is announced, of Kathleen fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrn. V.

G. Knuckey, of Vaucluse. to JDhn_, only ton of Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Graham, of Vaucluse. HALB—BURNS.—The Engagament Is announced of Margaret May, elder daughter ot Mr.- and Mrs. Alex Burns, West Pymble. lo John Richard, only son of Mr. and Mrs.

E. J. Hnle, ol Richmond. HALL—MACKEY.— The Engagement Is announced of Elaine, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Mackey. of Doonsldp, to Ronald only son of Mr. mid Mis. X. J. Hall ol West Hull. IIAVGKR—CAUSER.—The Engagement Is announced of Helen _Miiryan, elder daughter of Mr, ahd Mrs. R. W. Causer, of Tnhmaor, to Joheph Patrick Hanger, elder son _af Mr. and Mrs. U. Hanger, of Murwillumbnh. IIKYWOOI)—MATIIF.W8. ¦ — The Engagement Is _annouiu-ed of Anne Klt'.abelh, elder daughter ut Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mathews, of Hunter's lllll, to Peter, unly son of Mr. and _tlia lute Mra. 8. _Heyt-oud of _Stockuurl, England. JOHNSON—IlBASif.R.—The Engagement '* announced of Phyllis Ann, younger dnughier of Mr, and Mis. n, Brasler, of Wllloniihuy, tu I_«onard Wlllliun_, only. son of Mr. and Mrs, J. Johnson, ot Mcudow-Uank. _JOIINHON—U'OMBIIAIN. — The Rugngemeiil It aimuiinced uf Virginia, ynunger daughter uf Dr. A. W. D'umbraln, ol Mosman, and Mrs. E. D'umbraln, ul _Wamtali House, _Darlinghurst, to Adrian, seciuid ton of Mr. and Mrs. (l. Juhnsun. of Nambucca River and Double Day. JOIINHON—1MI.MKB,—The Enlavement, lit _annuuiu'rd of Heather June, younger daughter of Mr. mid Mm. It. W. Palmer, uf _Murrlikvllle_, lo Btunley lluruld _uecum) son ot Mr, mill Mrs, II, V. Johnson, of _Hotiili-Milt, _Qllreualnnd. I_._Ank—MOlll.lltN.—The Engagement It announced of Jennifer Jeiut_, second daughter uf Mr. mid Mrs. j, Mouldni. ot _Kattwood, to John Alfred, Kldor nn of Mr. and Mm.

A. Utne, uf KiuMwond. I.K LIKVRK—McKINNON,_—We Bngagement It announced of Margaret_, only dmifhler nt Mr. and Mrs. W, MrKlnnon, of Alfred Street Woodhurn. to Murray, second son of Mr. and Mrs. n. L. L* Llevrt, of r M«nRATlll—0_'HKA_,—The Engagement Is _tnnminced of Marie Thereie, nnly dauihler of Mr. and Mrs. M, O'Dea, ol Young, und Pranclii Bernard, younger son of Mr. and Mrs,

M. Mcoralh, ol "Klllara," _Kings"iS'AOFARLANK—FI.KMIN0.— The Kngatement 1» announced of _Ant\, elder dauihler ol Mr. and Mrs._.lubal Filming, of Dover Heights, to Ian, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Parlnne MtcPurlanr, ol Larirs, Scotland_, _(lluigow _paiirrs ulrnse copy. MASON—IIBOWNnll.1..—TtW _Kn-IKgemenl In announcrd of _MIks _Ilusviiiary llrnwnhlll, _rldeil _dtughler of Mn. D. Hrnwnnlll, of Pymblr, «nd Mr. A. nruwnhlll, ol I_'utU _rolnt, to _Mnlwlrn _Mauni _, >o»n«e«_l wi ol MJ, mid Mn. N. K. _Mawin. ut North "_'mk_/IvH.I.K—M.NICOL.—Tlw Kllgtgeinnnt In aiinuuuceil In _Wnlllnulun, N.Z., uf Mur«iirrl, unly daughter of lite Mr. mid Mra. A. M_<> Nlrol, uf (llnsgnw, Hcul hunt, (o _f.nurnnre, wpii uf Mr. und Mrs. L, B, _Mrlvlllr, lirlmont, N.H.W. MIDDI._KTON—WIIHiCI.AW.— The Knuagrtnenl li annuunnMl of Marlr Kay, urund daiuhtor uf Mis. While-Inw and Die Inlt Mr. ,1. K. Whitelaw, of lundwltk, to _Murshall Owen, srninrt tun nl Mr. and Mn, A. _MlUdlrtoti, _nl llotany. MII._KNKR—(._'(H_.I._K'IT.—Ill* _Bllmigrment Is announced In Nauru, Central Puilflc. of Joan Marie, _vimngrst dnughtrr of Mr. unit Mrs. hi. A, Oallrlt, of r._'tmherwell, _Vli'- orlpt. to _tlernard _Auliiey, only sou of Mr. >nd Mrs II. A, Mllrtner, of lll MV,o'R,io{?_HKoRK«N.-Th. I.. B»iiment li announced of Butty, only o._HfW n( Mrs. K. _Oftfn and (In Itlt Mr, K. _Orten, ot _Wollontoni, tn _Clenrge, nnly child of thu Into Mr, and Mrs, B, _Moorhouit, ot Calcutta. India. mvkiih,_—furiiw._—Tlit _rniiitmtnl U _tnnounctd «f Kllen _Deairlo_, daughter at Mn. A. and the lali r, II, _Frylri, of _Niwlnwn. u> Alan llarnld, ot Manly, younger ton al lh_> Ian Mr. anrt Mn, If. W. My_«_rt, OAKKH—I.*WM»N.—Th* _Kngngemem _li _xinnunced of l,ol«, nnly _diMiihlor at Mr. and Mn. D, I._swsun, ol _Adainiia, lo Iliiih, ateond inn of Mr, and Mrs, II, M. _Otkei, ot _lluntfr_'_i Hill. _PIXIIAM—CAMrnKI.L.—'|1t_« _KngAtfentent It announced of Jtnlcn III, nnly daughter of Mr, and Mra. C«mpl«H, of (Mm _Hotirl, (_o Donald Andrew, uf CtmiMe, nnly aon nl lite l_»\» Mm. X. nlchardi. _rNRKV—MAdKAV.—Tha Engage_, ntnit Is _mmouiicfil uf ainrla Dawn,

_Mu( _dniigltler of Mr. )(. _Muckty, ol _Klnislord, In _Allred William, only son al Mr. and Mrs, R, J. _Pitry, nl _Conn'lln Point. WIIPP*— _KNOTT—Tlif Hn«t«». _Intnt I* inniMincM »t _Bartxr_*, <lrtw( rUuthUr nt Mr. tnrl Mrs. All _Knnlt, of Klrihiixjnd. to Brltn. only ton ot Ur. ini Mm, ¦ _._Wilppa, it War. _rawooi. ENGAGEMENTS PTJRKISB—JOHNSON.—The Zngagement 15 announoed of Pay, only child ot Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Johnson_, of Middle cove, to Phillip_, elder son of Mr. A. Purklss. of Sydney, and Mrs. I. Purklss. of Kempsey. qUAKEN—COX.—The Engagement is announced of Valerie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Cox, of Denlstone East, to Keith, eldest son of Mr. and Mn. R. Quaken, of Eastwood. RANDLF.—SMITH.—The Engagement Is announced of Joan, only child of Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, of Klngigrove (formerly of Earlwood l, to Keith, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Randle. of Klrrawee (formerly ot Young). RILKY—WATMAN.—The Engagement Is announced of Betty, youngest daughter of Mrs. Wayman_, of Belmore_, to Albert, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of _Tamworth. ROACH—FAIRLET.—The Engagement is announced or Jan. only daughter of Mrs. E. Fslrlcy. and the late Mr. Robert Fairley. ot "Telopea," Daplo. lo Neil, twin son of Mr, and Mrs. Lionel Roach, of Rowland Avenue. Wollongong. _ROBERTSON—DAVtS.—The Engagement is announced of Iris Joyce, only daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis, Bnnk.* .town, to Leonard Donald youngest sen ol Mr, and Mrs.

E. Robertson, of Bevesby. RODEN—O'BRIEN.—The Engagement li announced of Mary Margretta. only daughter of Chaplain and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien, of Foresl Hill, _Wagga. Wagga. to _Johtt Brook, second son ot Mr and Mrs. G. F. Koden. of Brisbane. SIIEPPARD—EWAN.—The Engagement Is announced In Amsterdam, Holland, ot _Errolly, elder daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Grey L. EM'an, of Eastwood, to Captain Ronald Sheppard. younger son of Mr. A.

J. Sheppard and the late Mrs. _Sheppflrd, of Purban. Africa. SMITH—ASPREY.—The Engagement Is announced of Elvlre Estelle, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

G. _R. _Asprey, to CIVve Richmond Ross, twin son of Mrs. M. Smith and the late Mr. A. R. smith, of North Bondl. SMITH—THOMAS.—The Engagement Is announced of Helen Mary, younger _daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas, of Galston, to Leslie Thomas, only son of Mr. and Mrs.

L. Smith, of Castl« Hill. STANTON—FLYNN.—Th» Engagement I* Announced of _Patrlca, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Flynn.of Rhodes, to Hilton (Fatl. elder son of Mr. and Mrs. P. _stanton, of Bargo. STONE—DENT.—The Engagement Is announced of _Lfiuris Dawn Dent, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dent, of Bankstown. to William Thomas Stone, eldest son or Mr. and Mra. W . B. Btone. _Ol Glebe. STONE—McQUEEN.—The Engagement Is announced or Judith Ann. second daughter or Mr. end Mrs.

R. W. McQueen of Abbotsford, to Oeoffrey Warren, second son ot Mr. tnd Mrs. J. H. Stone, of Pymble.

Alice, youngest dAUghter of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. _KnlBVW, _«t _Aca._ci3. _M'tnue, Leura. to Robert Buckingham, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sutton, of _Erldce Road, Wentworthvllle. _Tf.NK—BURNETT.—The Engagement is announced of Joy. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Burnett, Belmont, to Brian (Tony), second son of the late Mr. H. T. Tinfc. and Mrs. Tin It, of "Benatong." Geurle. TORPEV—CAU.1NAN.—The Engagement is announced 01 Mary, _>oungest daughter of Mr, and Mrs.

J. G . _Calllnan. of _Wlngen. to Peter John son of the late Mr. and Mrs.

9. J. _Torpey. of _Muswellbroofc. TURNBUL'L,—BROWN.—The Engagement la announced of Elizabeth_, yuunger daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.

E. V. Brown, or Peakhurst. to Gavin_, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. E.

T. Turnbull. of Hurstvllle. VAIjLKNTINE—BEALE.—The Engagement is anounced of Aldyth Victoria Karen only _daiiRhtor of Mrs. E V. Beslei or _wahnxinga, and the late H. S. Beale. to Thomas Rojk. _nlxlh son of Mrs. F. Vallentlne.of Turiamurra, and the law H. P. Vnllentinp WAl_._l-lS—HENRV.—The _Engagement Is announced nf Joyce _Eoslyn, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry, of Stuart Street. Alfred Bruce, only son of Mr. and Mra. A. R. _Wollis. of _Bcrala. WALTER—WALTHER.—The Engagement Is announced of Barbara Fay. younger daughter of Mrs. F. C. Walther and the late Mr. O. V Walther ot Bass Hills, to Alan Reginald only son of Mrs. H. c. Walter and _4he lite Mr. R. P. Walter, of Vaucluse. WARWICK—BLAIN.—The Engagement Is announced of Ruth Ferguson, only daughter ol Ml. and Mrs. R. _Biain, of _Parrsroatta, and John Richard, only son of Mrs. F. B. Warwick and the late Mr. _O. R. Warwick, of Parratnatta. WATSON— ROTH.—The Engagement Is announced of Heidi, twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Roth, i>r _Busle, Switzerland, to Frederick, _vecond son of Mr. and Mra. T. L. Watson, of HanunondvUIe. WATSON—M<I._\TYRE.—Th_» Engagement Is aniiounred of Maxlnc Cnvelle. wily daughter of Mrs. II. Weal »nd the late Mr. P. Mclntyre.of Earlwuud, Sydnpy. to Donald Jntn« eldest son "I Mr. and Mr.i.

H. Watson, _Kasendon. Victoria. WATT—IVIU.NAI.I-' -The _Knimeev ment Is _winouiir-Mt of _Marjorle Ruth, unly daughter of Mr. a. I- _Wlgnall and the lute Mrs. Ruth Wtgnall_, of _Cliutswooil, _furmcvly of Fill, to James Waverley, only son of Mr. and Mis. I. W. Watt, uf Chutswood. 1VIIEKI.ER — FKRRY. -The _Engagement fs announced ot _Mofro, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

R. Perry, or Flvedock. to Leslie, only son of Mr. and Mrs, c_. Wheeler, of Habcrfeld. WILLIS—BI8OBOVE.—Ths Engagement Is _announced ot Jewel_, daughter of Mrs. Stella Blwrovt. ot Dulwlch Hill, N.S.W., to Mr. Peter Willis, son of Mrs. Annie Willis, Crnvdon. N.S.W. WILSON—DAVIS The Engagement In announced of Gemmellne, only daughter of Mr. and Mn. S. Davis, of 12 Pokolbln Road, _^_roadmeadov, to Maxwell Gordon,' eldest son of Mrt. R. Wilson, of 20 Alnsworth Avenue, Lelchhardt.

MARRIAGES DEAKINS—KENT.—August 5. al Shore Chapel. Pauline Artienden, younger daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Palmer Kent, of Klllava, to Richard Frederick, son of the late Mr. Frederick Deaklns, of Morcp, and of Mrs.

V. L. Drakln._y of Cremorne. Ul'BY WF.nMNttS _MiCEKDIK—DKWS, — August 0, 11)15, at All Souls', LHchhardl, Thunus to _Susttn, 52 Mary Street, LelclUmrdl.

GOWKS _WKDDINCS SIIMMKBEI.L — HAKIMS. August fl, 11)1)5, at Mm'rumlturrah, Gcorce lo Kdlit) Present _atfdrcss, George Strnet, _Watcrluu. _Xiovlng wUhw from ynur family.

DIAMOND WEDDINGS _t'lITCMFFK-PAHRKTT, — August 7, 1111(5, at St. arnrge's, Pnddlngton. by Rev. .Trlckett, William Henry to Julia Maud. Present addrcs.i: 7 _Itroughton Roa«, Homebush, At home: Till August.

_DKATIIS AUAM8, _Fraarla Joseph.—July 31 (suddenly), of llonvllle (furmcrly of Wee Wan and _Wyung), loving husband of Florence Irene (deceased), luved father of nay, Jaiiu, Juyce, Jim and Imie, aged 65 yenrs. Rest in ix»ace. _ANIIRRSON, Cecilia _Krawn,— August S, _ltiSS, at her daughter's residence, 50 Laura Street, Merrylands, Into of Hume Highway, _Narel-Inn. wife of the late Alexander John Anderson and loved mothor ol Emily (deceased). Iris. Edna, John (dectased), Bert, Fowl, Heather and Hetty, aged G8 years. For funeral _purticulars see Monday's "Herald." _HAN1KTRR, vmlna.—August 4, 1055 . at hospital, at _Ralrmnn's Bay, beloved mother of Fred. _I_^s, Oeorge, _Htan, May, _Mlrtnm. Arthur, _Vera, Roy, and Henry, aged 7D yean, At rest. BARLING, Adam.—Attglllt 4, _I_05A, formirrly of _Kogarah, drnrly loved huilxind of the Idle Mabel _llnrllnf, and dear brother ot Emma (_Mrt. H. _DUtch), Cecelia IMn. C. nutcher)_, flarah (Mn. Newton), ¦lose, Doll (Mm, Harrington), and llruce (_Mrt, N. Joyner), aged 78 yean, _IIARRAHH, (_Xsra _Janii,—Aiigmt A, _1IH.1. at her daughter') residence, 15 _llaonah Aventie, Matravlllp (late of Wcllliiitlmi. N.H.W.) . widow of the lain Kdwuril limrast, anil dearly _loveil _mnther ol _darence. William, IlKiolrl. Ken. F_.lward. nelly (Mrs. Murphy), and Nellie (Mn, _Unrtikoi), At _rnt. H._\TKMAN, _rndu-lek lla_»_lrlgg,~ August 4, 1IIB.V at Kl«ni_« Ulatttct Iliiiinial, _iuii of the lais Dr. and Mr*. A. W. _Datnnan, of Albion Pork, nnrt rtrar Iwotlirr of Mary L. A, (Mix. ((artery, AI Won Pork), _(_iract I>. IMn. _Hliaiigwayi, Kiijtlnnri), Flr_,_rrnrn (Mrs. Devcnlsh-MenrM, _Hyilney), Ur. Oharln IlalMiuin (Windsen) , Tlu>mai A. (_Kntrvlllel. tnd _nichard M. (Albion I_'ark), aged (15 years. IIKATTON, KmllT. — AMSUBt ft, Ifl.l_.t , at hrr iMirtencr. a _Ivernrv _Htreet.. Concord. _Ixilovrd tniithfr ot William lto»land (de<-i>p.seri). Robert. OKII, Waller, _IJnrlt, nnrt Emily (Mn. -'. J, runtlell), aged a:i _yrarn. Fur _fuittrul nolle* ih Mundny's _"lltrnln." IIHAnON, Kmlly Martha._—Ailiuit 5, IBM fond mint nl _Mtliel anrt Keith Fountain (Eastwood) and ¦rand-aunt of _Yvonitf and Brian. _llfNTON, IJII_, _llMlrlrc—Anilllt A, 11)55, al hrr rrMdence. 44 Ihiw-Ittt Hlrrat, _Waverley, dearly _helntreri »lft or the lute _Tlioman James llfntnn, rld»»t daughtrr of (he lam Mr' anrt _Mrt, II _Iltrrod_, formerly or _Padrtlmion, lovrd thlfr of victor, Utbel, Lynda, _Ntvtlle_, Mona, anrt B " lllirVTOW, Mllf _nMlrlf*—AllglUt !t, \MTi al \\'T _rmtilenr_*. 4\ Hewlett Rtreet, Waverley, _dftrly Invert aunt of Altn (, tnd _Vlclor (Wlrk). Itl.U.vnw.I,, _MurJorU.—August .1. lf)55, at hospital, _dftflv HflovM wife nl !*«, and _lovtrt molher nt HodtrUk, and _grinrtchlldnn, noderlck, I_._tnns, nrurt _tnd Chrlittnn_, _Prlvtttly rrrmalrd _Auanst S, _tfififl, IKICIIANOfF. Dnroffl,—Auglllt A. tl)_55. it _hoipltnl, _1nl» nt AH HMlwooit _Rlrret, nrlglitmi, _clrsrlr lovrd hn_«- l>iin<l nt _'I'ntlntio. tned (If) v«r», Al rfnt, fw _fitnert) _nptlc* »»* Monrfty't "Herald." _nntWKINr.TdV, U*an*— Annul

A. _10_A5_, at lilt _rfulrtiinre. 17 Pnm#_- rny _Blrnl_, Hnmrhuih, helnvM himhand of th_« lit* Alln* nr'silnglnn,

_crt loving _fithur of _Hirhnt (_ifnajfdl, Bal* (Mrt. W o«rrIngton), Alturt, S_«d_«n (_dtoutad). 6«er_|«, firry, and _tatlll, irMU _IMTI, DEATHS BRITTLE (BRIDAL), Jamea Leopold.—August S. 1955, ot 21 York Street. Rockdale, beloved husband of the late Hannah Brittle, loved father or Cecil, dear stepfather of Herbert _Hulsh and Daury (Mrs, Thompson) and father-in-law of Elsie Ann and Charles, aged SO years. Requlescat In pace. BUDD, Ida Beatrice.—August 5, 1955 . at her home, 8 Florence Street, Ciemornff, beloved wife ot Arthur B. Budd, loved mother of Taxman (R.A.A.F.. deceased) and Stella, and loved sister of Stella Hellmrlch, aged 76 years. CAMERON. Bertie Allan.—August 3, 1955, at 22 Leicester Avenue, Strathneld, beloved husband of Pearl Cameron and loved father of Clyde, Robert and Lorna. Privately cremated at Rookwood Crematorium. CARSON, Robert James.—July 23, 1955 . dearly loved elder son of Mrs. E Carson and the late Robert Carson, ot 27 Trevenar street, Ashfleld, and dear brother or Jack. Killed In alrcrart In England. CLULOW. John Latham.—August 3, 1955 at his residence. 188 Victoria Road. Bellevue Hill, beloved husband °f Gwen Privately Interred. COSSELT, Sidney _Franeli*.—August

5. 1955. at_^hospital, ol Market Street. St. Mary. * , dearly beloved husband of Milllcent. and dearly loved father of Stanley, aged 48 years. At rest. For funeral notice see Monday's "Heratd." DAVY', Emllj.—August 4. the Royal North Shore Hospital_, beloved wife of Tom, loved mother of Edna, Albert. Phyllis, and Doris_, aged 73 years. DEVINE, Elizabeth Seymour (Dee). —July 24, 1955, at a private hospital, Ryde. At rest. Private cremation July 26. DOBRIN. Siegfried Simon (Dr.). —August 4, 1955 (suddenly), of 17 _Gladswood Gardens, Double Bar, dearly loved husband of Addl _Dobrln, loved by all the family In Australia and overseas, aged 67 years. Privately cremated August 5. DOBRIN. Dr. S. S.—August 4. 1955, member of B'nai _Brith Lodge, No. 1546, Sydney. Privately cremated. llOltnYNS. Franres Button.—AUKust 4, 1955. at her residence. Pine Lodge, 45 Pine Street. _Comeray. relict of William. loved mother of Stanley (deceased). _Lcrna and Peter Dudley, _granamolher of Vauphan. Christopher, Lincoln, Terry nnd Peter and mother-in-law of Nell Dobbyns, and Rny _He._wpon. aged 75 years. Requicsrat In pace. DBAKC, neutrals Henry.—August

5. 1955 . suddenly, or 8 Richards Avenue . Enstwood, beloved husband o( Beryl, loving rather or Lawrence and Ro._«e!yn. brother-in-law or Inez. DRAKE, Reginald Henry.—August

3. 1955. suddenly, of 8 Richards Avenue. Eastwood, father of Alma (Mrs. Snell), and Reginald, fatherin-law of Joe and Ruth; also grandfather of Judith. Trlcla. Inn. and Barry: also brother of Cllve and Lance. DRAPER. William Ernest.—August .1. 1955 . at hospital, dearly loved husband of Christina Draper, used 13 St»T_». At rest. EAGI.ETON, Jam e* William.—August 5 1955, at Rcyal North Shore, late or 38 View street, _Woollohra, beloved husband of Mary _Atmes _EaRleton and dear rather of Marie (Mrs. _Ossle Stone) and Ella (Mrs Jchn Lakeman). and grandfather cf Margaret. Patricia Beverfey, Mlchnef. Richard and Frances. Requlescat In pace. EAGLETON, Jamn William.—August 5 1955. desrly loved brother ot Ella. Glen, Edward, Mel and Ron Rnd dear brother-in-law of lima. Requicscat In pace. FAWCETT. Ernest William.— _Aueust 3. 1955, at a private hospital, chatswood. beloved husband "I Florence and father of Laura, Lucr. Hazel, and Harold, In his 83rd year. Privately cremated. GERRETT, Sarah Susan.—August

5. 1955. at her residence, 41 Sutherland Street, Lane Cove, dearly loved wife of the lat* J. O.

H. Oerrett, and loved mother ol Phyllis (Mrs. Allan Buckley), Gladys (Mr«. Don Pennlcoolc), and Sadie (Mrs . Paul Mendham), aged 72 "ears. *- CIBBS. Ruby Morrau.—August 5. 195!5, Rt her daughter's residence. 72 Cammcmy Road. _Cammerav. relict of Nathaniel Glbbs and denrly loved mother of Elsie and Una and dear mother-in-law of Leslie, _ased 64 _years. At rest. GIFFIN. William.—August 5. 1955, at R_;_O.H.. Concord, late 18th Butt., beloved husband of Daisy_, loved father of Dennis. GODBEE, Stanley Horace.—August 4. 1955 (suddenly), formerly of Glenhaven Road, Castle Hill, dearly beloved husband of Nlta and a dearly loved father. GREEN, Khabelh t,utj.—August

3. 1955. of 33 Howard Street. Randwick, beloved mother of Hyacinths (Mrs . R. J. Rulwn). loved grandmother of Rev. Antony Ruhan. S.J.. Mary, and Anrt Ruhan. and dear mother-in-law of Ray Ruhan. Requlescat In pace. Privately Interred Catholic Cemetery. Botany. HALL. Jeanette Vvonne_*.—August

4. l«5n, ot II Berry Road, St. _lieuliards. beloved daughter of Lucy und Thomas Hull, loved sister of Pamela . Stephen, and Graham, aged 16 months. IIOKNADGK, _Tlioinaa _Steph«n.— August 4, 1955 . at P..G.H.. _Coniioi'd, of Heather Brae, Lawson, deitrly beloved husband of the late Lily Hornadge ond loved father of William, _ased CG years. For funeral notice see Mmid&y's "Herald." JAfiO, George Alexander _Ernest. —AMgnst 4. 1955 (suddenly), late 30 _Cifonong Road. G.vroea. _tjtariy beloved husband of E1_l7.a Rose _Jsro, dear _falher of _Valma anrt Shirley_, dear brother of Elsie MAy Jago, aged 52 years, Se* Monday's "Herald" for funeral notice. JAMES, Kmlly _Maod.—August 3, 1855, at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, loved ulster of George and sister-in-law of Ethel, aged 68 years. Prtr».(elr cremet«l _JRFFRRY, Ada Annie..—August 5, 1955. at her residence, 87 Good Street. Oranville, Iat« of _Kempser and Parramatta. loved wife cf the late chnrlM Herbert Jeffrey anrt loved mother ot Edna (Mrs Oakes, deceased). Sadie, Msbel, Cecil. Allan, Mick, Cliff, and foster mother of Alex Campbell. _Gloving grandmother of (heir children and _Breat-grnndmother of Allan and Peter, aged 72 years. For funeral notice see Monday's "HeraM." JliKFREV, Mln» (Bob)._—AuglMt 4 1055. at lilt residence, Mayne Htreet _Gultronfr. loved husband ul M_.irjorle. and loving father of Jill _^ nd Robin, aged 50 yenra, KKEI.ER, O«ir«_r.~August 3. 195S. at hospital, lale of Somervillo Road, Hurnsliy, _altcU Rl) yearn. At rest. KINO, Anne.-—Alimist A, 1955, at her l_^tdence, 4,5 c*_rdlvi\n street, _Stnnmora, widow of Thomas King ami dear mother of Patrick, sister (if William Murphy nnd aunt of Kathleen, Jerome nnd _Norah Silk, _Re-(_lulesent In pace, LA._VV, Lillian AIIm>.—August .\ at her residence. 1 Rulledge street, Qiieunbeyan, widow of late K. Land, loved mother of Fred niothnr-ln-Jfiw of Doris, grandmother of Stathiun. _aued <«7. Funeral _Quennbeyau . •' p.m., _ftatitrrtay. Church uf England. LAWTON, Allra.—Alimwt 5. lf>55, lain of inn Yathonir Hood. _Cuilngbali widow of the lnte Joseph Lnuton, »nd loved mother ot Frlo, _Dorothv (Mrs . A. Mills), and Bdnn (deceased), .aged 00 years. LEIOHTON, Char Ir. Howard.— July 2ft, 1055, at. hospital, lale of 54 _Klnhliuttone Street Cabnrlta., dearly beloved husbnnrt of Edith Wnrnellne, and laved father or Arthur, _Houard and Cecil, aged BO yean_. Privately Interred. I._tlXTON, Flora Kdlth Mary.— August ! i , 10.13, nt her residence, Brady Street, Croyrton, loved mother of _Cyra and Yvonne, loved _mothrr-In-luw of Mel and Keith, «ntl rriind'- mother of _nnward and _Ponnld. LYNCH, Thalma _Barhael July 30, IDAS, _belnvrd wife of Dr. Frederick N, Lynch ant) loving mother of _Rix _frfrrwasfd), Belly, Una, Winsome (Toti) anrt Andrea. I.VNCI1, Theltna R_.rhieJ July 30, 1955, loved sister of Hilda (Mrs. Scott), Donald. _Olsdys, and Winsome _fthaw, _MeKRNXIR_, _Thnmai _Alevander,— July 30, it Mnree Hnspltal, dearly Invnt husband of Ada, In hit 711th year. MACKIK, John,—August ,1 . 10AA, at his residence. 2A Brown _Htrret, Wrtverlev, rtenrly beloved _huMmnrl o: I he lute Clnra Mnrkle. loving father i>f Alec _Ilertha, anrt Roy (deceased), and John. Privately rrrmntwl, MAdUIRK, CharlM _Gnnrge.—August a, 1MB, at his rrslrtence. _IDSa Murrlvrle _Tlimd, llonrtl. beloved liumnuid of Elil* md loved father (if John, Nola, lArralne and Ron, _KequlcKcat In pace. Hen Monday's "Herald" tor funeral nutlet_. Mil,_UJI, HlrnhMi.- July 37, at ui_>N|>ltitl, rnnlainunilra, _husbnnd of (Iliulys, fnnrt falhrr uf Nance (Mra.

J. flenurt), Hobble, nnrt Beryl, granrt-Inlher uf Barbara Anne, At rest, MINNIN. nianrh_*,--August II, mur_. (_miilnenly), at Canterbury _lionnftal, ul (13 IiHiinmter Avenue, Piinchbnwl, _rteirlv Invert _itnter or Harry, li«l) anrt Kinm (Mn. Currle). Bee Mnndiiy'_t "Herald" for _funrrsl _HiTanueinftnti. MOOItK, _Nlrholai Paul_._—Auguit A, 1IM.1, at his residence, 711) New Canterbury Ilunrt, Hurlstnne Park. drnrly loved husband of Mary Kllen Moore _ind loved father of Paul, aged _f>:i _yi-um, _Itequleieit In pace, MOOItK, NlfholM rani,—August A, I_05A, btlovtd ion nf tit* late Nicholas and Mary Moor*. _Rydonham. loving hrotner nf James, Vrra, Julia anrt Irli. aim Frank and Norman (deceased). MULLIGAN', Henry Kill*.—Annul 4, 1035., at hit residence, Ml Ortnnnrt Strrel, Partrtlmlnn, _Hrtett son of the lam John anrt Miry Mulligan. T<*- aul In pace. Private _Inlirment nthnlln Ci_>m_«lfry, Ilntiny. _MIlItnAV, _rtter Oliver.—Auguat

4. 1_D5A, it nil residence, 37 _Tihle* Htre«t, rtiirwonrt, dearly _lovtd _huihim) of Mary Ann. fuller of Francis_, lllllon. _AgnM mid _Keltll, _litlier-ln-liiw (if Rnld, Join, Joy, unit noy. _rtfar _rrinrtliihtr ol Peter. Kevin, Ptlrtma, anrt Jennifer, _ager) IH yein _NonillS. AlUll* _Wlillwlh (_Nulllf). —August A, _IDAA, it her _rulrlenre, 40 llohert Blrw_, Wlllnuahby, twlovrd wile of Rnytnnnd _aiidslone Nnrrls, loved mother ot Patrlcli (M r* , ._'oliii ninke), Amlrpv. 7l>rh*r» I Mm firiiro Wsrfrtelll, mrt Mar. _luret (Mn, _Allinl _Jelfrry) «l<ter nl _Ualmlo iMra, _VcWllll«m«), and neatrlr* (Mrs. I.lirhnelrt ), O'MtAftY, R*(lniM ,?_nhn.—Aiirm ' A, 10A_5, it h(wo|l»l, nl 31) Wiley itr»»t. _WivirUv, _rleirly loved b_:_chir _«( atan so MuriH. _Mfliulisett n past, DEATHS OSBOBXE, Stephen Broee.—August 3, 1955, tt 8 Kooemba, Road, Beverly Hills, dearly loved, sen of Mr. and Mrs. _Brucs Oaborne «and dear brother of Christopher and Vlckl, _ased 4 years. Cremated at Woronora August 4, 1955. PATRICKSON, Agn« Phltlt; August 5, 1055, formerly or Booker Bay Road, Woy Woy, beloved mother of Bill. Nancy. Sid and Harry (deceased ), aged 78 years. For funeral notice see Monday's "Herald." PEAECE. _tv» Isabella.—August 4, at Lcura, dear sleter ot Isabella C. Pope . Mount Victoria, and daughter ol lite G. M. Pope Ryde, aged 91 years. FOOLMAN . John Frederick.— August 5. 1955. at hospital, late ol 14 Nelson street, Rozelle dearly beloved husband or Mabel, loved father of Kenneth and Noel, fond father-in-law ol Flora, aged 62 years. Requlescat In pace. POTTER, George.—August 4. 1955 . at his residence. "Sylvanla." _Bercuford Street, Mascot. dearly loved husband of Lillian ElUabeth Potter, loved father of Joyce, Langley. Charles, Betty, Clare, fond father-in-law of Fred, William. Heather. Eileen, Ron and Clem, dear grandfather of Irene. Robert. Wlllam, Leslie. Carol and Jeanette. and fond brother of Girlie and Cissy, _ajed 72 years. Requiescat In pace. RALEIGH. _Jarao.—August 5.

19.r i5. nt his residence. 4 Brodle Street, Rydalmere. late of Frampton, beloved brother of Marcaret (deceased), Alice (deceased) and Timothy (Cungrgong, Framplon). R.I.P. ROBERTSON . Mary While.—August 5. 1955, Bt her residence, 50 Stony Creek Road, Beverly HllLs relict of the late Alexander George Robertson and loved mother of Cathie (Mrs. Spear), Bessie, Molly, George (deceased), mother-in-law of Mr. W. Spear and dear grandmother of Bob, Margaret (Mrs. R. Spear), Daphne, Rosemary. Ken Margaret, Bill nnd great-grandmother of Susan. SAI.TER, Krith Fleming (Sid) July 30. 1955. at Prince Henry HosplUl and late . ol 22 Wimbledon Avenue. _Narrabeen North, dearly loved sen of Mrs. Harriet A. Salter and fond brother cf Win. Lloyd. Leo. Isabel. Muriel and Kevin need 41 years. Privately cremated Northern Suburbs _Cremfllortum. _Aua-ust 1. 1955. SLATER. John.—July 28. Smith strret, Botany, loved husband of Margaret Somervllle. Cremated 30th July. SMART, Janet.—August 5. 1955. lnte of Spnison Street. Neutral Bay. widow of William Smart and dear grandmother ol Donald Turner and o$ Jtari .(Mrs. Le&_sUe), aged 94 years. SMITH . Christopher Stephen.— August 4. 1955, dearly loved son of Ranald and Dorothy Smith, or 32 Australia Street, Camperdown, loved brother of Ron and fond grandson of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith aged 19 months. Dormlt In pace. SOUTH, Lena _Marraret Catherine. —August 3 . 1935, at private hospital. Coo?ee. loving daughter of the late J. L. South and C. South, dearlv beloved sister. _slstCT-ln-law. anil aunt pf their families. At rest. Privately cr«jw.teci STOKER, Margaret Ron* (Rosebud).—May 27. 1955. at Katoomba Hospital (suddenly), beloved wife ol Eddie Stoker, Jorinjr mother of Paul. Peter, anrt bnby Kristene. dearly loved daughter rt Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clark. KatoomiM. and loving dauehter-ln-law cf Mr. and Mrs. Fred S!ok_"r. of BaJJinn, loved _jilsterin-law or Arthur. George. Barry, _Diirrel. Wally, John and Robert, _nged 24 years nnd 3 months. Sadly missed. Interred Congregational Cemetery. Katoomba, May 30, 1955. STREET, Walter Thomas.—August

2. 1955 . &i his residence. 20 Kangaroo Street, Mnnly. beloved brother or Estelle (Mrs. Kelly). Wilfred <deceayed). Almee (Mrs. Donnelly), and Don. _Requlescat In pace. Prlrately Interred Rookwood Cemetery, 3rd Inst THOMPSON, William.— August 3. I!>55. late of Mnrridcvllle. beloved husbnnd of Marmret Evn and father of William Franklin, aged 80 years. Privately Interred August !>, 1955. TRITTON_', Nell Milton.—August 3, 1955 . beloved son of Beryl and Keith, and brother of Lvle . aged 4 years. Privately cremated. TURNER, Isabella.—Alimwt 1, 1955, at her _daughter's home. Bankstown_, formerlv of Neo- Zealand, beloved mother of Eleanor (Mrs. Frank). Alice (Mrs. Thomas) and Norman (_Anaac), and Krandmother of Fred, Ivy, .loyce. Don and Phyllis. In her 89th year. Prlvalelv cremated. WAKFFIELD. _Georglna .July 31. 1955 (suddenly), at 3 Victoria Street Kocarah. Privately Interred WALSH, John Earnest.—August S, 1955 . at Gloucester House. Sydney_, beloved husband of Amelia Walsh and father of Flo, Olive. Hilton. Lro. Jack, Joan and Shirley, age 72 years. WARD, Arthur _steonrn.—August 5, 1955, at his _rcsldonce, S Brook Street, Coogee, dearly beloved husband of Violet, loved father of Fred Mona, Hilda, and Alt, fond fatherin-law of Frank. Eric, Julie and Avis, ond brother of Florence. Blanche. Lily, Mabel, and Ruby, and _grandfather of their families. WARREN . Francis Goddard (Dirk). _—AiiKiwt 5. 1955. at hi * residence. _n4 King Street. Rockdale dearly loved husband or Emma. At rest * s« Monday's "Herald" funeral announcement WKSTllROOK, Irene _Rtatrlm.— Aupist 4. 11)55. of 24 Isi* Street. Wohroonca. beloved sister-in-law ol _Tattle, and aunt of Enid Irene Laura. Mary and Dorothy, aged 79 WHATLEY. Amen.—August H. 1955, at n private _hosnltal, Dmmmoyne. of _Ryde, _Iwloved wife or the late Arthur (Charlie) Whatley and loved mother or Nnncy (Mrs. N. Dnwd). fond mother-ln-!w ot _NormBn and fond nnna of Patricia nnd John, loved sister of Jean (Mm. Robinson), nged 70 yenrs. At rest. WHEELER. John William.— _Auuust 4, 1955, at his residence, 272 Harris street. Pyrmont. dearly loved husband of Florence May Wheeler, oved lather of I>,]| e, fona rather-In-law of Jenn, dear grandfather of Michael and lond brother of Edith. At rest. WHTTTINGTON, Mary Ellen. August 5, 1955, at her residence, 18 Davle.i street, Lelchhardt, widow of the Into William John Whlttlngton, beloved mother of Jnck, William, Frederick. Elizabeth and Maud, aged fifl yenrs. Requlesrnt In pnee. _H'OOTTEN, Frederick _tharles _Atunist 5. W55. at his resirtenre. 44 Iiottus Crescent, Homebush dearly beloved h\ir.>>and of Lvdln. and _lovcil father of Fred. Laurie, . William. Owen, Max. and Luelle, _ngert 5fl _yetirs. For funeral notice see Monday's "Herald."

IN MF.MOKIAM ACKEKMAN.—In loving memory ot our dear mother, Annie, passed _awny August fl, _IfMO. Inserted, by Dot, Freda. Georf. Al.TCKATOR."-in lovlnu memory of Denis, who dlc4 August 0, 1950 mred 1U year.i. _Swrat memories silently kept _. Our loved one wo will never forget Lovtwily vememtxrod by did, Margaret nnd Nan, and Aunty Ivy. ANDREW.—III memory of minor Muriel, demrly beloved wife anrt _nuil her . Inserted by Cleav* and Ken. _ASIf,—In loving memory of my dear father, died August (1, 1954' also my dear mother, died August 2_'J, 1049. Remembered always by their daughter, Lily, son-in-law, Hill, grandchildren, George and Marmuet. BAILEY.—In loving memory of our rtenr mother, mother-in-law, and norms.. Surah Louise, who pasted away August 8, Jfl.KI. Rver remembered. Inserted by her rtnughteni, _toni-lnlaw. anrt grandchildren. _IlAItKI'.n.—In loving memory nf Icon, who _passcrl away 'August 0, 11)40. Always remembered by Thelmn, Peter, George, _Peti. Joan, auntie I.ll. uncle Fred. I _lunit.—in loving memory of our dear mother and granrtmnfher, who posted away August 7, 11154, To the one w* will never forget. _Insertert by her rtnughter, arm, _son-lnlaw, nnrt _urnnrtehllrtreri. DPI.I,.—Fond memnrlm of my rteir _mnther-ln-law, Annie, r>a««ed iwny August 7. 11)44. Inserted by hrr loving _snn-ln-law, Cyril.—In lnvlnir memory nl my dear wife ind our mother, _passei away August fl 11)53, Th# yenra go. by But we still remember. Fred. Klsli>, Rex, molher and fither _DODF.KKR,—A Invlna- tribute, (n the memory nf our dear daughter, Elsie, who naswd away August (I. 1953. n*memhrnncn frnm mother and _fntlier. Tiiggerawong. nODKKKR,—In loving memory of my darling sister, _Klsle. Two mrt yean of lunging, _Fnr vmf> wn lnvrd and lost. Only those who loved you, _Klule dear, Know what th« [Nir(fri(r _cosf.. Radly _mloiert by her loving brother, Arthur, _Marje, Marilyn, Sits»n, _IIOIIMNI).—Fond _inemorlet of my wife, Hilda M., passed away August 7, Ira I. Alw»y» remembered, Rnl>erl. _nROWN'._—living mminrles of my rienr hiMlMiid, mlr denr father, _Intlier-ln-liiw, and _urandfalher, _Dnvtrt, w)io _pnaiert _awiy Aiigmt n_, _Ift-Hl. Sweet l_« lilt word rememhrance, As _Iliejn lew line* will _ihow_; You will always _Iw remnnheren, Ai the years com* ami go. Iti»crlert Iiy lilt _lovlnsr wife, Kid*, and fnmlly, IIIKtW_^,—cherished _meinnrlei nl mir denr mollier, _mollier-ln-law, _tnri innlmlo, Kllr.iheih Mary, panert awiy Augiint 8, )i)A4. _Alui._vi In our thotiRhts nnd forever In M\p hearts or her loving sons and _dnughtars. _ItllNT.—In loving _memnry of my rtrnr hutband. Rrtwy Jnmea, who paused away August ft, IDA). Birtly mined by loving wife, Annie. HUNT.—in loving memory nf our daar _fitlitr and _grtnrttathnr, _Krtny Jtmet, who pasted away Auglllt tt, HIM. Always. _Ttmtmbned by Frtrt, Rt ind family. _nilNYAN.—Loving _memnrlsi o( my deir wife and mother, Jennie, _pnsseil sway _Auiuit 7, 1_DA0, God iav« ui strength tn hear It, Courage, tn _flilil the blow, nut whit It rust In _Inie you, mum, No one. will ever know, _Aiidly mined by her 'Invln* _huihtnrt ind family, ntlRKK.—Treasured _tnemnrlM of our deir ion, Wilier, who fell _ailitep AiiKint a, 103:1. Our family chain It _broken, A nrielnus link _hai gone: _IMit _flnrt will _inenrt U11I broken _rhlln Ak one Iiy on* w* m_*H _tgiln, _Alwayl _remtmbtred l>_v muin And dud, nUltKK,—In loving memory nf 0111 dear _hrntlifr, Walttr, «nn paweii awiy _Augiiit fl, _10M. Wf think nl >nu In _illtnef, We mitkit nr> _nurrtrd _thoir,' Bui «htt II _mttnl lo lr_»« ymi, Ha on* will *vtr _knov _Alwayi _'Miimbnad by all _lorlni _brouiirt. John anil JlmM. IN _MEMORJAM CADMAN.—Loving _trlbuts to my dear husband and our father, Alfred, who passed _awty August 6. IS52. Badly missed by his wife, Harriet, and family. CAMPBELL In loving memory of my dear wire and our mother, _Lessle, who fell asleep August 7, 1950. Always remembered by Herb and Douglas. CANSDELL.—Treasured memories of _Thomas Edmond. Lest We Forget. Sister Catherine, brother Frederick. CARR.—In memory of Daisy Eliza, who passed away August 6. 1954. Always fondly remembered by Alan, Eunice, Julie and Wendy. CARROLL.—In loving memory ol my dear wife. Ruby Kme Carroll, who passed away August 6 1950. Always remembered1 by her loving husband and children. CLARKE.—In loving memory of our beloved mother, Frances Mary Clarke, who passed away August 7, 1954. In silence we remember. Inserted by her loving familv. CLARTON.—In loving memory of my dear wife, Nellie EltaSeth, passed away August 7, 1954. God saw how much she suffered, He knew she had her share, He gently closed her weary eyes, And took her in His caTe. Beycnd the beautiful sunset, Fr«e from sorrow and pain _. Dear Nell _wp'II meet esnln. Loving husband, Bert, and fnmlly. CLARTON. — Nellie Elizabeth, passed away August 7. 1954. A golden memory silently kept_. Of one ire love and will never _forgel. Lovlnfr snn, _Charles, Hazel and Joy. CLARTON. — Nellie Elizabeth, passed away August 7. 1954. God has her In His keeping, We have her In our heart*. Loving son, Bob, Rose and Robin. CLARTON. — Nellie _Elizabeth, passed away August 7, 1954. My first sad year has passed, and now I tace another. For things don't seem the same without my _lovlnsr mother. Your loving son, Ted. CLARTON.—In loving memory ol our dear mother and grandmother. Nellie Elizabeth, who passed nway August 7th. 1954. Deep in our hearts a memory Is kept of one we loved and will never forget. Always remembered by her loving win Bemie and granddaughter Patricia. (LARTON.—In _lovlni memory ol my dear mcther. Nellie Elizabeth, died August 7, 1954. Tessle. Hal,

lcrtnifer. CLIFT.—Everlasting memories of our lovine snn. Noel Arthur, who passed awny August 7, 1949: also his \vaby ton. Batts. _^_a _swd Rway August 2. 1953. ' You left us suddenly.

Your lost, thoughts unknown,

But you left tw memories, We are proud to own. Sadly missed by his lovlns mother and father, Ethel and Arthur . CLIFT.—In loving memory of my darling brother. Noel Arthur, who passed away August 7, 1949. Time goes on, years pass fcy. But lovlne memories never die. _Inserted' by his lovlntr sister. Muriel. Doug. Heather, and Kenneth. CLIFT.—In loving memory of my _4*fcT brother. Noel, -who passed _a-way August 7, 1949. Always remembered by his sister, Joyce, Frank and Marilyn. COFFEY.—Fondef r. memories ot owr dear mum _passed away _Autrust 6, 1950. Never forgotten. Sadly missed by Nell. Alf. Mnvle. Urn. June, Pat, Pam. Denlw, Wendy. OOPSI_.vs.—In _tendest memory ol our dear wee grandson. John, who passed away August 7, 1954. A bright and morning star. Granny, Ppp. and family.COt'SINS.—In loving memory of my dear pal. John. who passed awny August 7. 1954. Always so good, loving end kind. Few in this world his equal to find. His beautiful retina* life cam* to an end. He died aa h« lived, everyone's friend Inserted by his friend Mac. COUSINS.—In loving memory of John, who passed away August 7, 1954. Remembered always. Mars' and fnmlly. CROWTnEH.—In loving memory ot Lillian Isabel Crowther. passed away August 5. 1952. Sadly _missed by Iris. Bob. and fnmlly. Vol. Jim, and family. _Ct'LLEN.—In loving memory of my dear wife and our mother, Annie_, who _parsed away August 6, 1954. You left, us suddenly, but you left us memories we are proud to own. Always remembered by her loving husband and _^family. _CVLLEN.—In fondest memories of dear dad and father-in-law. Robert John, who passed away Aug 6th, 1954. Joan arid Keith. CTJLLEN.—Dearest memories of Grandpa, Robert John. Johnny, Terry and Joanne. _CTHjLEN.—In memory ol our Pop. Robert Joftn. A finer person -wb have never taiown. Bubs and Tom, CURTIS.—In loving memory of my dear mother. Annetta Florence, passed away August 7. 1952. Sadlr missed by acm. Jack, _daugnt*r-inlaw. Mary. _CITRTIS.—In loving memory of our dear Ninny, passed away August

7. 1952. Always remembered br Thea. Diane. Chrla. _Marellla. and Bill. DAVIES.—In loving memory of my loving husband and our dad, Jnck. passed nway August 6, 1952. _WEI.ANET.—A tribute "of love and rcmembmnce of my devoted husband. Harold (Pal), whem God called 10 rest AusuM 7, 19_,_'"3. Unseen_, unheard, yet always near. Sadly missed by Ilia loving wife, Dot. DEY.—In loving memory ol my denr wife and our mother, Pauline, who passed away August 7. 1954. Fondly remembered by her loving htishrtnd, daughters, Mnrjte and Pat, and sister. Marlorle. DOI.DEN.—In memory of rny _bert friend. Jack, who passed away Auguat 6, 1954. BUI _Feggans. PONOHOE.—In loving memory or my dear husband and our dear daddy who died August 6. 1954. Lovingly remembered. Inserted by his lovlne wlfg and _daughters, Phil and Kathleen. DOUGLAS.—Beautiful memories ot my darling mum and our (Tan, Harriet, whom Ood. called to rest August 6, 1943. There Is someone who missed you deeply, And thinks of you day by day, But we'll meet, again, dear mum At the dawn nf a beautiful day. Remembered nlways by her loving daughter, Eunice, nnd _fum))v. OUMBIIELL.—In loving memory of my rtnrllng mother, whom Cod called home August 0, 195.1. Time _tioes, yenrs pass by, But IovIiik memories never die. Sadly missed by loving daughter. OlnnyB, grandchildren, Lll; Eve, _Mnru. ELLIS,—In lovlnar memory of my dear wife, Florence, who passed nwny _Atifftifft 7, 1950, _Insmed by her husband. Jack. FABEIt.—Treasured memories of dear Lou, who fell asleep August 7. 1954, beloved husband of Ally, and rtrar father ot Peter, Joan, and Margaret. FOOTT.—In loving memory of our dear mother. Dnlllo, who passed away August II, 1954, uod snw you _growing wenry, And did what He thought best _. He put His armn about yon And gently whispered, conic (o rest Always remembered by her loving family. FORD,—l.ovlng memory of my beloved husband nnd my dart, Hnmual Frank, taken _Arnnisl n, 10,14 Sleep on beloved anrt take thy rest, I who loved you dearly, miss you most. Inserted by Mi loving wife, Mabel, and smi, nay. FOIID.—Ill loving memory of my denr <lnrt and our grandfather, _Siunuxl Frank, taken August R, ln.M. A beautiful life came tn an nnd; He died as he lived—everyone's friend Inserted by his laving daughter _. Iris, _ann-ln-lnw, Ernest, _granrtchlldren, Noel, Graeme, anrt Caroline. FOUNTAIN.-- -Wllllnm Kdwnrd, passed nway AugiLil 7, 1954. Fondly rfmemhernrt by his lnvlng wife, Ada, nnd stepson, John Vincent, and _fnmlly. FRANKLIN.— Fond _memorld nl mir denr mother, whn pruned awny August 7, 1941, alto dear father, whn paised awny August. 3, 1925. Prnm Flnrrl', Oeorge, family. FRY.—In lnvlng memory nf our darling mother. Always remembered by _Cee. and Elsie, mil and Maude, On and Kv«, Lionel anrt Annie, Howard and Dnrrle and _urnndohlirtren. FUNCK,—-In loving memory ol my rteir huibikiirt, _Oicur _Mirtln, _pnnsert nway Augurt 7, 1945, Not forgotten_, sadly _mlntart by nil wife- anrt family, OAY,—In loving memory nt my rtenr hunhnnd. and nur lather whn piMstd _iway Auriit A. 1040. T))rr_« l> a lure w« alwayi remember, There If n volo* w* will alwayi recall, There In a m_«nory w* cherish forever, or a loved on* *n dear to ut all. _Ollen a ailent tear_. But always a _honullftil memory. Inserted ny his loving wife Ada, (_lenrge nnd Bill, niFFOIII_). A tribute lo the: memory nf my mnlher (Jennie), v\\n passed nwny Iwo yenrs tn-morrnw. Hememlierea by loving daughter. Ethel. _(ilLLAN.—In loving memory nl nur dear snn, rinivilrt Herbert, _toettlrntnlly killed AtiguM. 0, 10,V). Huriden _wi> the parting, hitter wax the blnw, _Jiitt how much w* _nilis you, no one will over know_. From hit lovlni tamlly, mum, dad. Join. Noiren. (lir.LHOV.—In loving memory nl nur dear brother, Harry, who passer! nwiy _Augiiit 0, 19.14, Inierttd hy lilt Invlnf listers anrt _hrnlher, Urn I rice, Annte and Perry (Pntay), (1II.M0HE,—Treasured mrmnrl«« nf George Clllmnrr, departed thli lire Annum 7, I0_AO, We "lull meet on that _haiutlfiil shore. Fiver In our _thoughla. Rirtly muued br hit wife and children, fllovKR,—In laving memory nl our _rttnr mother, rvn Louisa, who _psMitri _Ktriy August (I, in.1t, Dorothy anrt Frank, OODFUKY,—In loving memory of nur rtenr dnd (Jamri), whn pnunrt nwa.v August 7, 10.1.1, umn _(n _nttr hmto a memory l« k«pt, Of on* we Invert and will never lorgtt. _Iniertirt by tnvlnj _dauthler, Ley, _inn-ln-lnw, Nnrm, (tarry, and Tony. Ol>l)_Fllfcr.--Jam5i, In lnvlng memory of ntir deart dirt mrt pi, Jim. Ever _rimemhertrl by Ills loving r _iiughtrr, _»_on-ln-l«w nnd grandson, Nell, Jink and Ron. _OODKRKY.--In Invlnr memory ol our _rtnar Milter, _futhfr-ln-liw and _grtnrtfnlh*r, _Jnmcs Shearer, pnssed nway _Aniiiit 7, lfiA',1, Always re. _memherrrl ny Norm, Alma, Pilsy, Ken, Linrie. _tinnrptv_,- Tr_*««tir_«l _mrmorlM of nur [I'her tnd _grtnrtpa, whn TiiM"'t awiy Iwo vein _aio. Alwan

_mtmherad by a«ri«, Bm, Join, 'mn. _Norma and Eddl_*. IN MEMOMXM GODFREY.—In loving memery at Dad. who Joined his pal August 7, 1933. Sweet memories linger with Dot, John, and Mike. GODFREY.—Loving memories of dad. August 7. 1953: and mother, December 28, 1935. From Jess, Len; grandchildren, Betty aYid VlcKl. GOODMAN.—In loving memory of my dear husband nnd our father, Alfred Thomas, accidentally killed August 7, 1954. Always remembered by his wife. Sarah, and Peg, Keith, and Sandra. GRAHAM.—Loving memories of my dear husband, father and pop, James Llndsey, who fell asleep August 6, 1954. Remembered always by his loving wife. else. Llndsey, Jill and granddaughter, Helten. GRANT.—In fond memory of our loving son and brother. William John, passed away August 7. at Katherlne Hospital. N.T., aged 36 years. Sadly ralssed by his loving mum and dad. sisters, brothers-in-law, nephews and niece. Safe In the arms of Jesus. GRANT—Treasured memories of our dear dad, who passed away August 6. 1954. Always loving, thoughtful and kind, what a wonderful memory to leave behind. His lovlns son, Don. _daughfer-ln-Iaw, Poppy, nnd granddaughter Carolyn,. GRANT.—In everlasting memory of my denr brother. William John, who enssert _awsy August 7. 1951. _Alwovt remembered by his loving sister. Florrle. GRIFFITHS.—In memory nf our dear aunty, Margaret Florence, -who passed awny August 6, 1954. Missed by Lloyd and Norma. HADDOCK.—Treasured memories ot my denr husband and our dad. Joseph William, fell asleep August 6. 1953. Loved, remembered, longed for always. .Inserted by Ills loving wife and Umlly. IIANNEY. —In loving memory ol our dear wife and mother. Anne_, who passed awny August 6. 1953. sndly missed by Doris, Masle, Mick, Jim. _HAN'NET—In loving memory of my dear sister Anne. Remembered by Marlon. Norman. Bill HARDING.—In loving memory _ol my dear father, John, passed away August 7, 1934. As long as our hearts keep beating. As long »s our eyes have tears, we win never forget vcn. dad. Through our remaining years. Remembered by his daughter, Amy. son-in-law. Chnrlle. grandchildren, Stanley. Edna, and Alex, greatgrandchildren. Valerie and Maureen, HARDING.—In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather, John, passed away August 7. 1!)54 Ev_*t remembered by May, Bill, and family. HARDING.—In fond memory of our dear father, grandfather, nnrt great grandfather, John, passed _awsv August 7. 1954. Gone but not fCTsotten. Inserted by Emily. Ben and famliv. nAWKINS.—Loving memories ol mum. fell asleep _Aug-ist 6. In henrt a silent grief. In mind an everlasting thought. Daughter, Ev, Leo. Lionel. HEAVENER.—in loving memory of our dear inthcr and grandfather_, who _passed away Aueusr. 7, 1353 inserted by his lovlns son, Charles_, and srnndson . Phillip. HOOD.—Fond remembrance of our dear dart Arthur, who _uassed _awav August (S . 1954. Always rememhered by son, Arthur, and family. HOWARD.— In laving memory of my dear wife and our mother God has her in His keeping, we have her in our hEarts. Passed awny August 7. 1954. Sadlv missed. [HINT.—In loving memory of mv only sister, Grace. Though absent you are ever near. So loved, so missed, so very dear Inserted by her _slrtti. Colly George, and family. y ' HUNT.—In loving memory of our dear da4 and jwv, Walter Edmund. who passed away August 7. 3943; and _HT "_*r . mo'her and nanna. Ann, whn _pojsod away July 13, 1951 The midnight stars are shining On two graves not far away. Where they laid our dear dad and mother, Twelve and few years ago Always remembered by their ever loving sons, daughters, and rtnuffhterin-Iaw, sons-in-law, and grandchildren. rruNT._—Ijovlrs wife anrl pal nf Charles anrt family, passed awav Aue"*l,_Jn ls3:5 ' SadI_.v missed. ' _IIURFORD. —in lovinB memory of my dear sister. Lin, who passed away August r,. 1950. pa_.sea In life you tolled. _ . In henven you rest: God bless you. dear Llll You were the best. WoSl 'le 15 r ' MUUe< Sn<! ' riend ' JAMIE-SON.—in loving memory of my dear husband. William, who passed away August B, 1947. Sleeping peacefully In God's care. Inserted by his loving wife. JAMIESON.—Everlasting memories of my dear father, William, who passed away Augu»t (I 1947. Deep in my heart a memory Is kept Of the one I lore and shall never. forget. _rnserted by his daughter, 8arah. JAMTESON.—In loving memory of my dear father. father-ln-Iaw, anrt grandfather, William, whom Oorf called home. August 6. 1947. Always remembered by Ethel, Harry and Enid. JAMIESON.—God's greatest, gift. Remembrance of my father. Wllllnm. raled home August B. 1947. by Hnrrlet aiul _family. JAMIESON.—In loving memory nf my dear _father . William, who _posswl away August B 1947 Ever remembered hv Liz and family. JAMirPON.—Loving memory of grandfather, pnssed away August 6. 1947. Jack. KELLY.--The passing of time will never dim cherished memories of my dear mother, Ruby, and father, WUHam. _Alwayn remembered by Roy. Billy, nnrt Ruth. KELLY.—In loving memory of our dear _HsMr. _elster-ln-law. nnd aunt. Ruby, who passed away August 6, 1955. Ever remembered by Ossle, _Graco. and family. KEMPTON.—Loving memories ol our dear brother, brothcr-ln-Iaw anrt uncle. Remembered always. Mate. Will. Sylvin, Grace. KERRY.—In loving memory of our dear mum and nnnny, Elizabeth, who pawed away August 7, 1950. Sadly missed by Marge. Sid, Pam, _BrJibv, Roy, Llll nnd Mnrjorfe. KIDD.—In loving memory of our denr sister, Rose Elizabeth, who pnssed nwny August 7, 1954. Always remembered and loved hv her brothers. Tnm. Alf inn Will, nnrt _sisters-In-Inw. Phoebe, Querny nnrt Mnry. nnrt nieces _Olga and Dorothy. KIMPTOV,— in loving memory of my dear husband, nil. whn passed nwny Ausust 0. 1952. Memories are the lamps that light the darkest, road. Insertert hy his loving wife. _Clss. KI1NPTON,—¦ In loving memory nf my brother, nil. Many a _InitRh we hnrt, now n tear, though hnppv to know you are resting dear. Beryl nnrt Hilton. _KfMlTOY.—Treasured memories of my dear brother . Gill, pnssed away August fl. 1952. Always remembered. T>oTotliy nnrt Em. _KIMPTON.—In lnvlng _mwnnry nt dear brother, oil, passer! away August 0, 1952. Pearl and nen. KRITST.—Treasured memories al rt loving husbnnrt nnd father whn _passed away Alienist 7, 1953. Radly missed bv his loving wife nnd fnmllv. I.ANOAN.—Sndly missed by ,rils brother, Claude. LF.F.-In lovlnir memory nf my denr wife. Klnng Kin-yuan, nur darling mother, _mother-tn-lnw nnd _uranrtmnlher, who pnssert away In _Tslngtoo, _chtnn, on August 7 1047. _Imirtrrt by her husbnnrt, Frnnk, ¦

mm. _Tunriu and Wllll/_im. daughter. Shirley, <_lnughter-ln-!aw, _aiorla, and _urnndson. Michael. _MeOAllTHY.—Nellie, reassert away August. 7. 1924, Alwnyi rememberer! by sister Rue. _MrfMKTifv.—In Invlnir _mflmorv of my rtenr wile, nnr mother mrt mntner-In-lnw, Violet Mary, whom Clod enlled home tn rest August 7, 1953. Pon. I!a»el, Jim nnd netty, _MffMRTnr. —Tn _Inrlnt memory of my dear _husbnnd and mir drnr father, _fnthrr-ln-lnw and grandfather, William John, whn pnssed awav August 7, 11)54, Time moves on hut. _mftnnrles sfny So near mrt denr is yesterday, Alwn.v» rememtiered hy his lnvlng wife and fimlly. _MrDONALD.—In Invlnir memnry nf my denr husbnnd snd our father, vhn passed nwny August 7, I9S4. _Alwnvn remembered by hl» wife and fimlly. ¦ _MeOftEdon.—In loving memory of our dear mother, _Mirgnret, passed away Annul _d. 1034. Deep In our lie.nrls a memnry In k«nt nf a mother we Invert anrt will never Inrget. George, Ktt, Alex, Nena, Silly, Noel, Jack. MonnoiIlK.—Delayed mother, Mildred Harriet, passed away August fl. Inserted by ions, Bill and Done, Edna, E1111, Joan. MrlUTCIilK.—Mildred Harriet. E _asied _iwny August (I. Rirtly missed y lister. Mnbel, and _brolher-ln-mw, Arthur _Ooillnu. MADDEN,—.in loving memnry nl nur rtenr daughter, Betty Midden (nre Hording), _linssed away August fl. lono, ngr* 23, _Thmiffu absent. Bftlty ynn are, near. fttlll Invert, still missed, Bllll very rtmr. Mr.lher Inlher, little* inn Victor, brother David, ind UnbellB. _MAIWF.N,—In loving memnry ol our ilmir muter, nelly, who _lisiirt_) nway August fl, I9A0. rtemcmlierfd by her brother nnrt _ilster-ln-law, Divlrt anrt lantielln, MAIN._—Alexnnrter_, called home Aiigtiu 7, 1IM7. Sheltered by the rook nf IBM. Anchored silo ind surf. In lh« _surert Hem nt _Jetui, At rasl Inr over more, nnrt l_» nur refuge and _itrungth, Kver rememberer! by dear wlta anrt daughter, Agues, MAIN.—In loving mtmnry of our d»sr father, _Alexandria, who pined _jwiy Auglllt 7, 1047, W* hive lout, _heovon hu galmd The diii rest father the world contained, Inserted hy hH loving inn, Jiclc, _diuthter-ln-lnw. Vita, 1 MAIN._—Kvrrlnntlng memnry nf my deir father, Alexander, railed _hnrna August 7, _\_f)47. A _pigf In the hook of memory, li urtly turnerl in-day, ln»rt«d hy denr inn, Tran. MAIITIN._—Nevlllo Bnbfrt, pined away Auglllt fl, 1002, It's just thru* _yeira ago _to-dsy Hlnre _rxir _rtirllng was _rnllrri _iway. Inserted by hli _lnvltig wild, Anne, inrt _dnnihter, _nnwn, _MRRCEII,—In loving memory nf my dour mother, Mnrpnrrt, »hn _nitsfmi _n'vay Augtmt 7, _lOIYi, _Ltle moves nn h\it rtiir memory. h\nyn, _lnterted hy her loving _rtiiiBhlnr, Miry, con, fimlly. _MIMWATER-- In lnvlng _mtmiiry of grin, _Arti Miy, who ptiwd _tw«y _Auiuit 2, 1048. A «o»d*r!ttl molhM gd «ran, w. UUdwtUr anil (am-IN MEMORIAM MILLS. —To ths sweetest thoughts and treasured memories of my loved wile and our dear mother. Hazel, who waa taken to rest August 8, 1935. Always remembered by dad. George. Elwyn. nnd Val. MOONKY.—Loving memory of 'op, passed away August 6. 1954. Inserted by his lnvlng wife and amity. Dot and Jack. Edit, and Horly. sonny and Jo. Neal and Glady. Eileen and Jim, MOORE In loving memory of dear pop (Joseph), pnssed away August 6. 1954. We have lost, heaven has gained. The dearest pop the world contained. Sndly missed by loving son. Joe. daughter-ln-Iaw. Peggy and three grandchildren. MOSES.—Loving memories or our darling son and brother (John James), who departed this life August 9. 1954. To think you did riot sb>" good-bye Will _sli-aysfbrlng regrets. But the ones who loved you dearly Are the ones that never forget. Sadly m/ssed by mother, father_, family, and _lriMic-3. MURRAY.—In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away _Aucust 7 1951. Always remembered bv her loving family. Jim. Annie. Jessie. MURRAY.—Fond memories of dear ?ran. callrd home Ausu?t 7, 1951. Always remembered by Hazel, Betty. Merle. _Tsme. NEASBEY.—In fond remembrance of loving wife anrt mother (_Marearet). _passed away August 7. 1953. Sndly mlEsed by husband, Bert, and daueh'er, Pat. NE1LL.—In loving memory of our dear father, Fredrick Nelll, who passed away August 6, 1954. What would we give to see you smile To talk with you and laugh awhile. To be together In the same oM way, This Is our dearest wish to-day. Sadly missed by Doris, Bob, ano family. _O'HARA.—in loving memory of my dear husband and our father and poppa . William Ernest, who passed away August 6 1952. Not lust, to-day, but every day_. We- remember. Inserted by his lnvlng wife, 'daughters_, sons, daughters-in-law, sonsin-law_, and grandchildren. _O'SHEA.—In loving memory of our darling mother. Catherine, passer! away August 6. 1949. Sadlv missed and always remembered by her lovinc family. PACKETT.—Memories ot our dear mother. Never forgotten, Ernie. Jonn. Phillip. PAGE.—In lovlns memory of my near hufhnnd anrt father. Georpe, passed _o_«_'Ry August 6, 1943. Sweet memories "of one so dear: Treasured more each passing year. Inserted by his loving wife, Madeline_, and fnmlly. PAPWORTH.—In loving memory of my dear mother, mofher-In-Iaw, and grandmother. Ethel Blanche, pnssed _owny August 5. 1954. We remember you In silence_. We make no outward show; But what It meant to lose you No one wilt ever know. Inserted by Herb, Kath, Aler, _und Robert. PARBERY.—In loving memory of our dear mother. Elsie May, passed awny August 7, 1953. Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten. Sadly missed by her loving daughter. Elsie, son-in-law. Harold, grandchildren, _BevprJey and Lewis. PHAKO.—In loving memory of my denr wife. Gladys, mother of Judith. Barry, and Ross, who went to rest August 6, 1954. A place Is vacant fn oijr hearts _(_hsf. never can be filled. So sadly missed. Inserted by her loving husband, Frank. PHILLIPS.—In loving memory of my dear mothrr nnd grandmother. Ruin, who pnssed nway August. 6, 1954: ._nlso my dad. who passed away February 9, 1952. They would not ask for grieving_. They would not ask for tears _. But only to be remembered. Through the passing years. Sadly missed by dnnRhtPT Ttitn. son-ln-lRW Harry nnd grandchildren. POLLOCK.—Treasured memories of my dear husband and our father, Chnrles Hugh, pnssed away August 6. 1942. Remembered by his wife and family. POLLOCK.—Cherished memories of my near son, Charles Hugh, passed nway August. 6. 1942. Inserted by his sad nnd lonely mcther. POMPE.—In loving memory _ot our denr friend, Alice Mary, who passed away August 7. 1954 . Inserted by the Prtng family. PRINCE.—with cherished memories of my dear husband. Will, who was called suddenly from me August 7. 1953. Memery Is a golden chain that

links us till we meet again.

Sadly missed by his loving wife. Ethel. PRINCE.—Fondest memories of our dear Dad and Pop. William, who passed away suddenly August 7, 1953. Always Temembered by sen, Eric, daughter-in-law, Jean, daughter, Elalno. son-in-law. Ray, and grandchildren. _^ PRINCE.—Treasured memories of our dear friend, BUI, passed away August 7. 1953. Remembered always by the Popple Family. RATNER.—In loving memory of my dear father. Ernest Victor, who passed nway _Auftust G. 1951. Your memory to us Is a treasure_. Your loss ft lifetime regret _. But tho ones who loved you_. Are the ones who will never forget. Sndly missed by his loving daughter TheJma, son-in-law Jim, grandson. _Pot-_»r . REKYES.—Mudee. August 7, 1950. Beyond th« beautiful sunset. Freo from sorrow nnd pain: When life's Journey Is ovpt . There, mum. we'll meet again. Always remembered by lovinc daughter. May. ItEID.—In loving memory of my dnrllng mother, Knte, pnssed away August 6 1947. I hare a beautiful picture_. To me It's more precious than gold. It's a picture of my darling mother. Whose memory will never grow old. As lmg an my heart keeps beating Just ae long as my eyes have tears, I will never forget you, darling. Throughout my remaining yearn_. Longed for by your loving son, Jim. and daughter. Jess, and son-inlaw, Laurie. EIDLEY.—Beyond th* beautiful sunset, rrse from sorrow and pain_. Always In our hearts. And wish you were hers again. Inserted by her loving husband Les, nnd son Allan. RIDLEY.—In loving memory ol cur _deur daughter and sister, passed nwny AMSiift 7, 1953. Two snd years of longing Tor _nnf iv_*» loved and lr>_st, Those nearest to you. Joy, Know what the _parting cost. Inserted by her loving molhRr, fnther nnd brothors. Always remembered by mum, dad, Neville and Bruce. RIDLEY.—In loving memories of our clear _ernnddnughter, nieco, cousin. Joy _Valda. We often look at your picture, Smiling you seem to say. Don't Rilovo. I'm. only sleeping, We'll meet again some day. _IIOSKN.—In lond memory ol out denr father, Jnrob. Always rememhered by his loving sons, Lewis and Reuben, and granddaughter, Lois. ItOWING,—Loving memories of a denr nuRhand, father, and grandfather, Thomas Frederick, who pnssed nway August C, 11)5.1, Still remembered by those who loved him. 11YAN.—In loving memory of my dear husband anrt our fnther, who _passer) away August G, 1954, At night when shadows are falling, And we nrr* nil alone, ThfTo always comes that longing, Jf you could only _eorae home; God nave us strength tn hear It, Courage to meet, ths blow, But what It rail to lose you dad, None will ever know, _Alwn.vs remembered by loving wife anrt Jointly, RYAN.—Lovlne. tribute to the memnry nf my dear fnther, BUI, pnssert awny August fl, 10.14. _Mfimnrles aro _treiumren na ono can steal. Death leaven a heartache no one can henl. Inserted by _tortnv son, Noel, ana _datmhl*r-ln-]a_»', Betty. SINGLETON.—John _Thoman, passed away August 7, ID40, iged DO, We _shnll remember. Inserted by _hli loving daughter anrt son-in-law, Mary _tni Stan, SPRING,—In loving r«nembr»nce ot nur dear one, Arthur Noel, died August 6, 1052. Lovrd anrt remembered always by hit wife, Nance, nnrt her moiher (Mra, s. P. Vl«««r). _RTAIiBACK,—Fond memories ol t loving husband, fither, and fatherin-law, _Jimet BiterbrnoK, who passed awiy August 6, 10A2. Always loved by bu wile, M«ud»; daughter!, _Doreen, _Peirl, anrt 8yd. TEMPLR.—In loving memory af my dear wile ind my dear mother, whn _pnsiert awiy August 7, 1954. Swept are _rnffmnrlejt silently kept, Of me wn loved and will never forget, _Inscriert hy her _Icwlng _Umibund, Chnrles. mrt snn, Ronald. TF.MPLE,—Lover) memories nf my rtenr ilstnr, Myrtle, passed nwny August 7, 1054. _Sirtly mused by DulHr. _TITTEHTON.—In loving memory of my _rtfir wife, _Kllnbcth Margaret, panned nwny _Ailiust fl, 1051. _Alwnys _prc-lnus to her hunhnnd. Albert. TITTEI1TON.—In lnvlng memory of our rtenr mother, Kll_/nbeth Mnr-«ar_»t, died August 0, _IDfll, rn«erfrd Hy her children, Tnd, _Mnrle (Sinter

M. Alherlnl, nitty, and Kathleen. TIinTON.—in Invlnir memory ol Lily, who pruned away _Augitnt S, _lDM, Not l/i-d«y, but every _itny_. In _illenna we ramrnther, Artn_, Her! anrt family. _VAt'HE.—pojirt memory nl denr mnlher, rmlly _Aller. died Auguil. fl, 104n. _Intmer! by sirt iinrt nltn. WAnK.—-In lnvlng memory nf nur _rteur mother inrt hi, who pined nwty Augint 7, IDA!. Badly mined and ilwayi In our heirti. Mary, J_»ck, Baleen, John and Cheryl, IVAItD,—in loving memory nf my denr husband, Claude, who pallor! awiy Auiuit 7, MM. Memories, ire _treisuret no one cm steal, Death lenvM a _heirttch* nn one cm heal; Uf* li _elernil, , Inv* will remain, In _Onri'i own urn* Ha will unit* ui

guln, _Alwjys remembered by hit _lovlnj I'll*, Mnry. WAilT_),—Jn lovln« memory nr our drnr father nnrt grandfather, _Cliurte, who _pas'rd nwny August 7, 1084. wn nre thinking of tomenne Who 111 _ilvnyi goorl and true, Whose smile wm 11 dear » mnshlne, nenr dnd, _thnt _tnmenne was you. Ririly _mliird hy his _.Inving inn, Fflr, _ilniiBhter-ln-lnw, .In, Krlo _anrt Max. WARD.—In Inving memnry nf nur rtMr _fitlinr inrt _innrtfilhnr, Olnurte_, whn pitted iwiy Annul 7, 10,14! rind 1 _greifeit, _tilt—nememhrine_*. Rirtly milled 6v hli loving inn. Ivin, _duuthter-in-Uw . Joy. inr) _irinrtchlldtin, _Dannu, nodnty, and man*. IN MEMOKIASI WASD.—In loving memory of our dear fither and grandfather. Claude, who passed,away August 7, 1954. A wonderful father has gone to rest, For each of us he did his best. Sndly missed by his Icvlng 6on. Claude, daughter-in-law. May. Allan and Claude. WARD.—Treasured memories of our dear lather who passed awny August 7, 19_,"_i4. A beautltul life came to an end, Upright and lust until the end. Inserted by his loving son and _daunhtfr-ln-law, Cecil and Eileen. WARD.—In loving memory ol our deBr dnd and grandfather, Claude, passed away August 7, 1954. The Golden Gates stood open_. One year ago to-day, With farewells unspoken_. Our dad passed awny. Inserted by his loving daughter, Violet, eon-ln-Iaw, Harry, and grandchildren, Olorla, Jean, Alan and Claude. WARD.—in loving memory of a dear friend, Pop ,Claude). who passed _airay August 7. 1D54. Always remembered by Ruby (Mrs. O'Brien). WIN TON.—In loving memory ol my dear _husband. Ernest _Jenner. died August 7. 1B51. Always remembered by his wife and family. WITCOMBE.—In lovinc memory of cur dear mother, _Mirfon ParkT. pnssed nway August 7,; al~o our dear father. Frederick Jonn, passed _away _Aueust 27, 1941. Sweet are the _memorlss, _silently kept, Ol mum and dad, wfccm we loved ?nd will never forget. Always remembered by their loving family and grnndchlldren.

ON ACTIVE SERVICE FIETZ In loving memery cf darling Cllve. loving daddy of Edmund tnd Judith, killed aircraft accident August 7, 1943. Dearest memories fond end true. Remain in our hearts dear Cllve of you. Inserted by Mum. Dad. brothers, sister-in-law and families. HUNTER.—Cherished memories of my _bflovcd son, Private Cecil Baymond, died result, accident. 7. Inserted by his loving mother. Joan, brothers, sisters-in-law, nephews, n _b'NElLE.—in _InvlnK memory pf our dear son and brother. Jac_*_. Chief Engineer M.V. Mamutu, killed by enemy action off Port Moresby, August 7. 1942. H- stands _beslse us. silent and unseen. Mum and and Molly nnd Laurie. SEYMOUR.— Fond and _lovinc memories on this 10th onnlversary of our dear daddy. NX1_^233. Sgt. Keith Silvester, 2 31st Batt.. died ol wounds _Ballkpapan. Inserted by Sue and Jeff. WALLACE.—Proud memr.rles of our son and brother. Btll, killed In action. August 6, 1945, Bougainville. Tribute also to gallant comrades resting with him. WILKINSON.—In loving memory of Cpl Donald Wilkinson, who died whilst rv prisoner of war In Borneo. August 8 1945 Always remembered by his loving mother and family. ' WILLIAMS._—^Precious memories ol our dear son and brother. _Sgt. Pilot Leonard R.A.A.F., missing August

6. 1942'. Still loved, still missed. Mum dart, sisters and brothers _^ RETURN THANKS MRS. EDNA JOYCE CLARKE anrt Daughter. JUDITH, of 39 PlttwatCT Bond Gladesvllle, wish to THANK the many friends, neighbours, an-1 also the Rev. F. R charman. M._fl for their kind deeds, floral _tributes_, and other expressions of sympathy In the recent loss or their husband and lather. Plense nccept this as personal thnnks_. *n The HAYNE FAMILY wish to THANK ill for their sympathy after the death of our Moinir. CECELIA. Maw addresses were unknown. ' Mr. W. THOMPSON, of 19 Beatrice Street. Auburn, desires to sincerely THANK all _nelchbours and friends for floral tributes. letters_, cards and telegrams received by him In his recent sad bereavement. Would nil please accept this as my personal thanks. Mr. EDDIE CONROY. Mra. RUBY BIIAETT (Victoria). Mrs. LILLY McGRATH (Sydney ) wish to THANK relatives, friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy and kindness In the- loss of their darling mother. FJ ._<?Rse accept this ns our personal _thanks, as many addresses arc unknown. Tlie FAMILY of the Intp the HON. CHARLES BRILL _HRTDOE_3 _niFh"S to THANK ell relatives and fnends for floral tributes, cards and expressions of sympathy in their sad bereavement Please accept this as personal thanks. Mrs. ED.VA _JOl'CE _CTjAHKE and dauEhter JUDITH, o! 39 Pittwater Hoad, _Olsdrsvllle, wish to THANK the many friends, neighbours and also the- Eev. F. R. Charman, M.A., for their kind deeds, floral tributes and other expressions ol sympathy In the recent loss ot rhelz husband and father. Please accept this as personal thanks. Mrs. ARTHUR- J. _eCHTTLTZ anrt Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. SCHULTZ and FAMILY desire to tender their slncerest THANKS to all their friends who sent expressions of sympathy and condolence In their _recent bereavement. The FAMILY or the late W. I,. KEBRrDGE. or Lakembn. slncerelv THANK relntivcs and friends lor thPlr floral tributes and expressions of sympathy In their recent sad loss_, please accept this as _vHTscnal thanks, ns mnny addresses are unknown. JOHN nnrt LF.N NORTON wish Ut sincerely THANK nil relatives anrl Irlends for cxprt-_^SiOns of _sympathy, floral tributes, nnrt _assistance durinp their recent bereavements. Please accept this as thetr _rersonnl thnnks. Mrs. DOROTHY REGAN, Of 8 Point Strwt, Orange Grove, wishes to THANK nil relatives, friends and neighbours for floral tributes, caid_.-;, expressions of sympathy, end assistance on the death of her late lnirband, George (Nutty) Regan. Will all concerned please accept this as roy personal thanks as many addresses are unknown. The FAMILY ot the late SYDNEY RANDOLPH HYNDS, of view Street, Annandale, wish to extend their sincere THANKS to all relatives and friends for their expressions of sympathy and floral tributes In their recent bereavement. Dr. L. STRE1NER. Mrs. T. HERZ and RELATIVES wish to THANK all friends nnd patients for their kind expressions of sympathy in the recent sad loss of their mother, Mrs. Clara strelner. The _FAMILY of the lnte HENRY JACKSON. HELL wish to _expirss their sincere _appreciation or your kind _thoughts nnd sympathy In their recent bereavement. The RELATIVES nnd FRIENDS ot the late DYRA _TLLKN SALWAY wish to THANK the many Irlenrts lor _mer-nnKcs of condolence and wreaths. Mr. nnd Mrs. PHILLIP HOOLEV.of _Mlddlctnlss Street, North Sydney, wish to THANK nil relatives, frlend.i nnrt _neighbours far floral tributes, cards and kind expressions ot sympathy In their recent, snd bereave_, ment. _PIcaaq accept, this as our personal thnnks. Mrs. H. t.LOYD, nf Ashburner St. Mnnly, wishes U> THANK relative.! and friends for their kind expressloin of sympathy In the pawing of her husband, Llewellyn Lloyd. Pleiua accept tills ns my personal thanks, Mrs. C. DAVISQN nnd FAMILY, nf 201 Bay St., _Uotnny, wish tn THANK relatives, friends of the. late Henry Wllllnm DnvUon (White Plight to Racing _Plecon Societies) for their klndnnss, sympathy in trtn loss of their beloved ion ind brother. Please accept this as personal thanks, many addresses nre unknown. Mrs. L. FOX nnd. _DMJOHTRT! wl«h to THANK nil _relailves mir; friends for their flora! tributes nnd kind _expressions of _nympathjr In their snd loss nlsn, the nursing sisters nf 21 Ward at Prince Henry Hospltnl nnrt especially Mrs. A. Hudson. Please accept tnti iui our personal thinks. Mrs. ALICE GORDON and FAMILY THANK mi friends for floral, _cnrdu, and expressions of sympnthy extended to them In their loss of _hurband and father, Dr. Leslie portion. _Plenso nreept tills ns our personal thinks.

I. JOSEPH _WrtlClHT, of 3B Dow. [nnrt Avenue, _WoJInngong, rlo hereby desire tn THANK relatives nnrt Friends for telernms and cards and expressions of sympathy in my recent mrt bereavement. Please accept this in mv _nersrnn _FUNERAt-S nAIIWi.—The Relitlves anrt Monde of the lite _LOUia JOHN BAIRD ire Invited lo attend his Funeral; to leave our Chnpel, 810 Georpe Street, Sydney (Thli _Saturtliy) Mr.mlng, nt 9,30 o'clock, for nockwood Crematorium. WOOD COFFILt, LIMITED, UA_4011 (B UnMl. nAll LINO; — The Relative* anrt Friends nf thn late ADAM HARLINO, formerly of _Kotrarnh, nre Invited In nttenrt _hln Funeral; which will _lenve our prlvnt* _ohapet, floven Wnys, _Hockrtiile, Thts (flatur. day) Morning, after _nervlca commencing nt 10,nn o'clock, for Ihe Church of _KngliUid Cemetery, Woronnra, J, nnd C. HAnnY, A.F.D A., Tlccktln 1 ft and 11 ii_£_s1 y 11_le. nAKRA" HH.—file RilaiivM anrt _Frtendi ol din _Fsmtlv nf the lnte CLARA JANE !UrinA88, of In _llonnnh Avenue, Mnlrnvllle (Into of _Welllnulnn, N.B.W.), are Invited tn attend her Funeral; In lenve our runernl Chanel, 24f> Crn_'.in Street, _rlty, Monday, nth (ns'ant, niter service commencing fl! 10.43 nni., for Church ol F.iulnnd Cimetery, _Untnny, THOMAS DIXON mr . LTD.. _Fm)_rrnl anrt Embalming _Bervire, K«_tnh. mag. FA4ioa.ii, _TlAT'kMAN.—The _Ttclatfvra mrt Frlmrt* nl the Fnmllv of Ilia Isle _FREDItniOK HAZEUIIOO DATEMAN' are kindly, Invitee) to attend 111* Funeral letvlce for their helovert _brother; to be held In the Church nl _Knglnnrt, Albion Pirk, ThU T)_nv, Saturday, at 11 a.m., after which _liitermem will _Inke place In the _churcriynrn Cemetery.

K. KENDALL, Funeral Director, tlKNHLBV—The _""'_u _' elntlves anrt rrl»nij_» of !)!» Jj|» 1'fMNK 11OJIKTIT _BISNSU_5Y ar« _artvlwd that hit _Funernl will _leive our Home, 24 F.nmore _Ronrt, Newlown, Till." Morning, at nan n'rlnrk, for tho _CYemnlnrllim. _nnnlnernri. I.Anon MOTOR PlINF._RAtR,. 24 Fnmorn _rtonrt. Newlown. _Phmie: LA2777 14 linen), nFNTON.—Th* _nr-lntlven nnrt Frlemls nf the tarn Mrs. LILLY nr._ATjnCK J1RNTON, nf 4-1 llenleK Pireel, _Waverlny, «r* kindly _Iru'llrti to

tlrnrt her _¦"_iinaril: In _li-nw fit. Mary'i Church, _Blrrell Blreet. Wnverley, Tills /_Bilurrfav) _Mornlnj, liter lervie* _nnmmenclng nt n oTlonk, (nr Eutem _Dnmifni Crematorium. WALTTO. OARTKR, _rwaono, _Wnrrrlry, funerals BRAY.—The Relatives and _Frimf of the late WILLIAM" Hoa?_ri BRAY are kindly _Invired to« t_"nd his Funeral: to _ifave thp¦ _tM dence St. Neot. 81 Liverpool _pm South _strathdcld. This s._tH nt 9 30 a.m., for st twJ Church, _Enfleld. after service tathi Church, commencing nt 9 .13 « if1 the Interment win be _rcado _in'S,' Church grounds. ln LE3LIE S. ANDREWS _Ashneld.r Opp. . P If sb_^r_£_, _ito_,, BRESSINGTON.—The _HelaUvM s-, Friends of Mr. and Mrs \v &» rlnston. Mrs. _ASn _Dresslniroii vV nnd Mrs. Albert Brewing ™ '_.S Florrte _Bresslngton . Mr and _SJt George _Bresslngtor. (Junr 1 v! and Mrs. Harry _Bressirrton u, their Families, and of Mr Lag Bresslnston. are _Inrjted to _ntSS the Funeral of thetr _tJoarlv irS Father, Fnther-lr_.-ia-._<'. Qrai d'anS and Great-grandtather. geobop to leave the _Mctropolitw _fSS Home. Railway Parade, Burn™} Monday. August 8. 1955, _ai'.er _w vice commencing at 9 15 a m fo_< tlit _, Church of _Eet_'_onrt _Ctine'ei? METROPOLITAN BUSIal AW CBF.MATIO.V SOCIETY HMl_^riy Par;_irjp. _B'ir-\ro-_'_n * T'?nft.: BRITTI_^ (Bridal).—Ih. i_^ii_^ and Friends of tho _ii'e _jVVrrs LFOPOLD BRITTLE _(Erli'l) _/• j York Street. Rcci:_di!e. _a-e V,'.; lo attend his Funora_^: -._vtvcrV -it leave our private CS_'.ar_&r _=..-_« Ways. Rockdnle. _Thh isi_,,,-5;I' Mcrnins. at 9 15 o_'-_'^i " for Si Catholic Cemetery. Wcrr-b;a

J. anrt C. HARDY. A.F.D A _nocMnle ami H':r?;vi;i_>' ' _BCI1D.—Tht Funeral c: th. i,ti MRS. IDA BEATRICE BTOD 3 I 8 Florence Swett. Crtrr.oint '»m leave St. Chad's Church oi'_fs, land. Cremorne Road, Cre_~*-n_» en Monday, after service conES clr.3 at 10 a.m., lor _Xorthera Suburbs Crematorium. BRUCE MAURER XA1034. North Sydney _XSVM BYNON.—The Be'_ativej s-n v.i_^t_, _&^ ot r _aTSrV_^_U *_8 _® rlckvlll-. and _Em-b _Ps_^ _iJS arc _advLvd _'ha; hi? _r-malSTio! prlva'ely Crcm._i!r<i a: Wnrcnmn 5th instant. ' ' WALTERS _AN'n _po_\- _ifrii _DlD'vlc_'n HI!! _TTTijt, ' '

CAMPEELL— The F"!_a'|vn „, Frlenrts of Mr. Colls K?:' Camct* Margaret. Koberi ir._d Ev' _«>? barths Street, _Bj;s Hi;: ar_» ht_*«l to attend the _Pir_._^rai r! " his 'ill dearly loved Wife, _sr.f. th eir d' _til Mcther, RITA MARGARET _CAjS BELL; to _leive the Church ofttl Immaculate Heart of Man- SefteL This (Saturday) _Mcmlne. ' _afttr Eh _qulem Mass coffirr:enc!r,;V_. 9 _o'clKi for Catholic Cemetery, Roofcrnoi Mortuary No. 3. _wiwm_;

W. N. BULL PTY LTD Telephone I-A2_S58. CARROLL.—The Relatives S Friend? of The is'-? ASDRX1 MARTIN CARKOLI, _ar» _nrtvIseitS' his Funeral will lev,- ? our _Fuaert Home. 121 _Ri-rson _SUKi Auburn, on Mor.ri._iv _^.'omln? r S>.3!> o_'_clorC, for catholic Cemrttn _RorXwoort. _> LABOR MOTOR FUNERALS 121 R.ivson Pt-e?r Auburn * _IuX2777 'J lines) . CATO.—The _Revives and Ff._aH of the late EMILY CATO, ol 41 Chsmberlain Road Bex:ey_. are lr_« vlted to attend _iier F'.ir.eral* _Kcii will leave cur pr:vt_'e _Ciiapel _JJJ FoTest _Read, Hurf.ville. This1 "jatS _^_i_^_y _l _Mnroins, alt er i«v._» to". mcnrlng nt 9 _o'Coclc, for theCnn, torium, _Woronora.

J. and. C. HARDY. A PDA : _Rockdale ami _Huratrtlit COLLINS.—The _Relauves uj FrlentLs of the late GEORGE TO." LJAM _COUL_.ISS are _adrlsei A _his Funeral ulll leave our _FunenJ Home, 24 Fnmore R_'jad . _Miks-s-This Morning, at 11.15 o'clock for the Crematrrlurn. _KookriolT LABOR .MOTOR FTOESALS 24 Er.mcre _RfMd. Nextgm, Phone: _LA2777 '4 lines;, DALY.—The R_»!allv_»s _sr.d FrJB* of the lute Mrs. FLORENCE D\l_3 (formerly BARKETTi. of 81 Clal Street. Grifrnh. iate of _Maltiul arc Invited to _nt'pr_.d hrr _Fuiwi! to leave _TTPnnnr.' _^lr._pral _Farioil GrlUith, at 11 a m. _j_^_turdjy. HAW.—The _Pefa'lves ar.d of the- _Hte Mrs EMILY DAVT 1 38 Whaling Road. North Sy&m ore Invited 10 _ai'w.S her rtnri to leave Brace _Mnurer_'s cra_^ 281-3 Paciflo Hlgh>ay, E«r W_« Street. North Sydney, on Mtaiij at 11 a.m., for Northern _Sutcrt _Crernatoriiun. BRUCE MAURER, XA1034. North Sydney. m54! _DILIBERTO.—The _Relatlvd _u Friends of the late _JfAniS DILIBERTO arc kindly teritrfli attend his Funeral: to leave «f Prhate Chapel. 3S9 _Paclllc HUM wny. _Crow's Nest, This _Monl_^j at _8..V) _o'riock. [or the _Cstht _Cemetcr._', _Northern _Pi_.bmio. LABOR MOTOR FUNEKAIS. 389 Pnclflr Hloh_'.ur._'. _Crci'i _Ks( Plione: _LA2777 1.4 lints). nOnBYNfr_^Setiulpm _^ Masj In I _rteiiore at _i lie _^ml rf th» It FRANCES HUTTO:; DOBBVNS, I plt.e _Ludye, _Ptnr £?;rcet. Csm ray. uill be relobr.Tpd a*. 9. ¦Mary's _churrli. R'cl_^o street, Ne Sydney, this rfny _Katurday. v.' a.m. The _I-'unrra'. _<v!!l leare II Church at lo.,_Tn h m. lor _ti Catholic Cemrtpry_, Northern S3 urbfi. ¦ _WTHELAN and OI._ACKEN A.WI.I 2B3 Miller street. North Syta XB_'_._jlO. 1. DBAKE.—-The _Kelatnes and Pilit of the lato REGINALD HIS! DRAKE, ol S Richard! AW. Eofltwcod, _aro tr._vitM to attend t Funeral; to leave the _ChlwJl _Motcr Funerals Ltd.. R EsstPiiii Eastwood, This (Saturday) M:s _lncf. after service _commenda? 10.30 o'clock, for tho _Korti! suburbs cremntorrim. MOTOR FUNERALS LTD., AT.DJ 8 East Parade. Fafrood_. _\VL1W DRAKE.—Lo_^i;? Tiiamit Mori « 75 U.O.L. C'£ N S.W_.—The 09* nnd Brethren _"f the _atavi W are _rpqupstod 10 _n't-_'ud the Punts of their late £rt( lfl mcd _BrffiSt! B.EO1NALD _HFNHV DRAKE, n further _ynrtlcravs _sei family n?l!n (_Hejlilln. 1

n. k. M_.-nornALL. w.M.: E' _\ _LAMKH _I'ON, Secret!!;-1 _DKAKG. — _Au_'.alcamtned Ptlt'_.:1 Trndrs Emr_^ynrs1 Vninn _ol Ar J Irnlla.—Oftleers ind Metnben cl It above Union are _uivirrd to _Ittri the F'innral of _'lielr I._ue _EltQPli omccr. _REniN.M_.n HF.vp.y Dam For _lurthcr _pnrtl'_-'.ilan _(M IlKI notlre. , J Relative! and Tttei ot the lnte win._IVM ERSB1 _DR-ATErt nro _(_itlvlied thit hl» H mains v,_erfl lniovvr_^'. at th« Ctwa of _Enslanri Cerr.Mfry, Field ollM on the _sth inn. LAnOR MOTOR _FUNTRAU, _flf) Pnrramatt!! nnnd, _Annaadii, __Phon e. - _i, j\ S7 7 J__'jUi5_£_LKAGI.F.TON.— R_<_-TiVtn Mall W« _reivto of the >™_i .-I 'ti_» _l"l_» JAM WILLIAM _PAD1T.TO.V fill bJJ* bratcrl at Il_«'y _erms CM _Artelnldi" Street. _Wroiinhri. T> (Saturday) MorntrK. «t 0 o_'dctt. The funeral will leive Hit tSwj after Mn._is for _Cii'holie COW Bctany, Mllfi.P. Klfinv _«nd _BOK _ff' LTD. _HAi221; fvWfos. — T!ie " lI 'lnt»;e ,l ,.J! _FrlenrtB of (!.e We- _EUMCT punbton cf 1™ _notwj em Cnrlton, nre it'vi'erl to >"«u ii Funernl; _ihlcli ••..! leave u'_W'S Chanel. _3fln rorr_", ij_^_nd , _Hanlja Till! (_fUnirtiu _Mrrnlnr, I _Fcrvlre _rommen' nt _lOJUiotti for the _Ci'rm.if'_*rHini, woronon. J, find C. _IIAIiriY. A.F_._n-fc. Rorkrliile nr..! il_«r)lrlll_»,_ GEnUETT.— The _runerj: of thrt tin, SARAH _Sl'SAN _OEHUng 41 Sutherland _S'rwi, M_>_° will leave our _C';"_*}¦*_"'£„ Orclwrd _Ttond »ml Bro«_-n _«n _Chotswood. This _Pi'Ii-ffi ob a.m., for Northern _PJburlu no '"'""" WOOD COrTUL LTD., JAK»Vi, _Conllnlteil nn _f M"._!*—HVDNTV MOR._N'INO gW ADVEBTISINO RDLra Tlie rollowlnir _tl-jn ''"._'_^"'m be authentlratrrt: _"_P_™?;,™! parent: ENOAOFMENTS1 _«M _PROACIIINO _MAnllMOp- ._f ' witnessed tlirniinucs »nd _, _M'BJ of the _contrai'tlni- r«"" j ,._'K niAOEJ>, by the _nKlriMuil WJ" _Reelstrar or prr.rtnriijn of ««S

ten _chnrtirter <r!'n_??™ r,i.IH _Advei'tl/_iemetif. m _^ "K_,, Ink nnd en<loi_"«l '_'"n*1 _*?1 , an-l _nddrfM.. _Ti'H. minMr cl" _nertlonr. nnd mrv" _*'_***'_£.X be El"en, All '.Mitnw «J_« « flcntlonJ mum '¦¦:''_'"• '" . _»"_,,'2, The _proprlpcr- _"»',»•_'"'_W lo him or ' "omit .i«v«'« nnd «hlle ever? _fi" i> "'S rlo not holrt I'._wdvM tf'K' for _e.rrfn In or _murlawlfluw 1 «dvrril»rmenu _'-'1 _"';0 ;'_'K bo nmcle for c.ivr_* _'"•'¦;» ."E U dmwn lo tu™ «t\ the e» pU _^iff» _bov _m* _*? «• _tnlnnhln at n fee of . tl Kg must be railed f_«r »™»i


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